CH 8

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1 amazing month full of dates with Tobirama. Emi stands in her apartment packing everything up, because Tobirama and her had decided to purchase a house together.

It has also been a month since she had seen or spoken to her brother.

Luckily, the Uchiha clan agreed with Emi in that this was a new era. Word around the compound was that Madara was trying to convince everyone in the clan to deflect from the village.

'He's an adult. And I can't worry about him anymore. This is my last night in my apartment and I should enjoy it.' She thought.

"Is that everything?" Tobirama turned around after sealing the last box into a scroll.

Emi nodded. "Until tomorrow."

He nodded. "I'll be back on the morning to grab the last of your things."


"I'll be unpacking at the house."

She nodded as he leaned down to kiss her goodbye then left.

She sighed as she looked at her mostly empty apartment.

"So you've made your decision then."

She nearly jumped out of her skin. "Jesus Christ Madara, what the hell are you trying to do, give me a heart attack?!"

He rolled his eyes. "Your a ninja. You should've sensed me."

"I'm not a sensory ninja though."

He nodded. "Does he really make you that happy?"

She was stunned for a second. "Yeah Madara. He does."

He nodded.

"Why are you here? Last time I saw you, you pretty much said I was dead to you." She asked.

He sighed. "I was hoping there was a part of you that was still my sister above anything else."

"What does that mean?"

"Do you love him?" He asked looking into her eyes.

'We'd never said it, but.' "Yeah I do love him Madara."

He nodded. "Have you slept with him?"

Her face flushed. "NO! Oh god, Madara. Seriously? No. I haven't."

"Your a pawn in their game. They're using you to get close to and gain the trust of the Uchiha clan. Everyone I've tried to tell this doesn't believe me. Say I'm going insane. But I don't want you to worry. I'll save you. I'll save you all." Madara said quietly.


"Don't find me."

"Madara. You aren't making sense. Are you okay?" She asked.

He nodded and stepped in front of her to give her a hug. "I love you baby sister."

She wrapped her arms around him. "I love you too Madara."

Suddenly she felt a giant thus to the back of her head and neck.

As her vision blurred, "why?"

"I don't want to be found. I needed a head start before you told Hashirama and Tobirama. I will save you."

That was the last thing she heard as she fell to the ground and her vision went completely dark.

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