CH 23

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"It's time to begin. I am Ibiki Merino. Your proctor. And from this moment, your worst enemy. First. You candidates from the village hidden in the sound. Knock it off. Who told you, you could fight? You wanna be failed before we've even begun?" Our proctor said.

"Sorry. It's our first time. Guess we're a little jumpy, Sir." The sound guy in the middle said.

"Hm. I'll say this once so listen up. There will be no fighting, between candidates, no attacking each other without the permission of your proctor, and even then the use of fatal force is strictly forbidden. Anyone who even thinks of messing with me will be disqualified immediately. Got it?" He explained.

Sasuke was at my side, checking on me.

"Sand?" He whispered.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Hm. No fatal force. That's no fun." The other sand ninja said.

"Now, if we're ready. Well proceed to the first stage of the chunin exam. Hand over your paperwork. In return, you'll each be given a number. This number determines where you sit. Well start the written test once your all seated."

"What? Did he say? Written?!" Naruto said as I sweat dropped while Sasuke helped me up.

"NO! Not a written test! NO WAY!" Naruto yelled.

After we were all seated, I noticed I was sitting next to Gaara, on my right. Ibiki tapped the board with chalk. "Everyone eyes front. There are a few rules you need to be aware of. And I won't answer any questions, so you better pay attention the first time around, alright. Rule number 1, is this. The written part of the exam is conducted, on a point reduction system. Contrary to what some of you may, be used to. You all begin the test with a perfect score of 10 points. 1 point will be reduced for each answer you get wrong. So if you miss 3, your final score will be 7. Rule number 2. Teams will pass or fail biased on the total score of all team members."

"WHAT! Wait a second! Your saying we all get scored as a team!?" Sakura yelled.

"Silence! I have my reasons. So shut up and listen. Rule number 3. The sentinels you see positioned around the room, are there to watch you carefully, to look for any signs of cheating and for every incident they spot, they will subtract 2 points from the culprits score. Be warned their eyes are extremely sharp. And if they catch you, 5 times you'll be dismissed before the tests are even scored. Anyone fool enough to be caught cheating, by the sentinels doesn't deserve to be here."

I've got my eye on you guys." One sentinel said.

"If you wannabe considered shinobi, then show us what exceptional shinobi you can be. One more thing. If any candidate gets a zero and fails the entire test, then the entire team fails." Ibiki finished.

"WHAT'D HE SAY?!" Sakura yelled.

"The final question won't be given out until 5 minutes before the end of the testing period. You'll have one hour total. BEGIN!" Ibiki said.

I turned my test over an read the first question, I realized how hard they were. 'So they want us to cheat. No problem. Sharingan!'

I looked to my right and saw Gaara, covering one eye and an eyeball in his hand. He turned to me and raised a nonexistent eyebrow. 'Gross.'

Suddenly I sensed a kunai fly by.

"AHH!" The guy yelled. "What the? What was that all about?"

"5 strikes and your out. You just failed the test." The sentinel said.

"What it can't be!"

"You and your teammates will leave the room immediately."

2 other ninja's stood up and they didn't look happy.

"Candidate number 23 fail. Number 27 and 43 fail."

"It's not fair! I didn't do anything! I didn't do anything!" One ninja yelled as he was dragged out by the sentinels.

"No. No way! Who says I cheated 5 times, where's your proof?" A sand ninja yelled. "How can you keep track of all of us, you've got the wrong guy! How do you know I wasn't just- oof!"

He was pinned to the wall by one of the sentinels.

"Sorry pal. We were chosen for this duty because we don't make mistakes, like that. You can't even blink without us seeing it. We're the best of the best and you my friend, are history. Now get out. And take your teammates with you."

I had finished imitating the person in front of me's pen movements and got all the answers. I noticed Gaara was still staring at me. Or my Sharingan.

"Number 59, you fail. Number 33 and 9 fail. Number 41 fail! Number 35 and 62 fail."

"Hey no way-ow!"

"Uh. Excuse me!" I heard.

"What is it?"

"Gotta use the can. Sorry." That was Gaara's teammates voice. I saw a sentinel get up and hand cuff him.

"We go with you to make sure your not up to anything." The sentinel explained.

"That's perfectly understandable."

Only 20 minutes were left until the 10th question would be revealed.

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