CH 6

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After paying for dinner via Tobirama, they decided to take a walk through the park.

We of course caught some stares as it was highly unusual for an Uchiha and Senju to be together, especially Tobirama and the baby sister of Madara.

"Dinner was fun. Thank you." She said.

"It was my pleasure." Tobirama smiled.

"I wonder just how long it'll take for everyone to know about this?" She questioned curiously.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"My brother is seriously going to flip out."

"Which is why you should tell him yourself."

"It won't make it better." She said sadly.

"It'd be better to hear it from your mouth instead of the streets." He explained.

"Doubtful." She rolled her eyes.

"You are a grown adult." He rolled his eyes.

"Doesn't matter."

He laughed.

"Knowing my brother, he'll see it as a personal betrayal." She wondered out loud.

"You are an adult, right?"

She rolled her eyes. "Obviously."

They had started holding hands as they walked through the park without either of them realizing it.

"I have my own apartment." She said looking at the sky.

"So you are an adult?" He laughed.

She rolled her eyes, which caused Tobirama to laugh again.

"We should start heading back." He said.

She smiled. "Yeah. I have to work tomorrow."

They started to walk in the direction of her apartment.

"Did you enjoy this?" He asked nervously.

"I did. Thank you."

"So would you do it again?" Tobirama was looking at the ground.

She smiled. "Yeah I would."

He smiled, "good. We should make plans to do this again then."

She giggled. "You know where to find me Tobirama."

He laughed. "I'll come to your class tomorrow."


"Because I like to watch you teach." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Okay." She laughed.

"So then this makes us?" He asked as they walked up the steps to her building.

"Makes us what?" She questioned. He was going to work for this.


"Like boyfriend and girlfriend?" She asked with a small smile.


"Is that what we are?" She asked seriously, as they stopped in front of her door.

"Do you want to be?"

"Do you?" She asked back.

"Yeah. Yeah I do." He nodded after a second.

"Really?" She asked surprised.

"Yes Emi. I want to be your boyfriend." He clarified.

"Then I guess we are." She said as she unlocked her door.

"Good. Then I don't have to feel bad or regret this later." He said.

"Wha-humph!" She started, but his lips were suddenly against hers.

She kissed him back and closed her eyes.

He pulled back. "Goodnight Emi." He said then kissed her cheek.

"Night Tobirama." She waved then entered her apartment, closed the door and locked it. She started to turn the lights on when she saw Madara sitting on her couch, which caused her to yelp.

"What are you doing here?" She questioned.

"Where were you?" He questioned immediately.

"I was out. I'm an adult. I'm allowed to go out with my friends Madara." She reprimanded him. "Now. How did you get into my apartment?"

"I have a key. Who were you with?"

"Why do you want to know? And how the hell did you get a key to my apartment?"

"I heard you were on a date with Tobirama Senju." He narrowed his eyes at Emi.

She stood in silence for a moment, truly shocked he had heard so quickly, "Who told you that?"

"The pink haired waitress. I believe her name is Tsubaki. Said she waited on you two." He explained.

"Yeah. He took me out to dinner tonight." She admitted.

She visibly saw Madara shake in anger. "Why him of all people Emi?"

"He asked me to dinner Madara. It's not like it's the end of the world."

"He's Izuna's killer! Did you forget your brother?" He yelled.

"Izuna died during a time of war. This is different Madara. It's a new era." She explained as she looked him in the eyes.

"It doesn't matter! He killed your brother and yet you go out with him? Anyone but him Emi! Anyone!" He demanded.

"I'll date whoever I want to date Madara." She said seriously.

"Do not call me your brother then." He said as he turned around and walked out the door.

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