CH 13

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Emi and Tobirama had just gotten married. Exactly one year after their first date. They had decided to go with a fall wedding, that was themed around woodland fairytale. Even going so far as to have it in the woods.

Everything was perfect. They had just gotten back from their honeymoon.

"I need to go see Hashirama at the Hokage office and see if he needs help." Tobirama announced.

"Okay. I'll be here unpacking." Emi said.

"Okay. I love you. My wife." Tobirama kissed her and smiled.

"Go ya big softie."


Emi had finished unpacking both hers and Tobirama's bags and started to make dinner, when Tobirama returned with Hashirama.

"No." Emi heard Tobirama say.

"It's to balance power, Tobirama." Hashirama said seriously.

"What's going on?" She said walking into their living room.

"Nothing." Tobirama said quickly.

"I'm having a meeting with the other villages kage's, to evenly dispute all the tailed beasts that I've captured." Hashirama admitted.

"So what's the problem?" She asked.

"Hashirama captured them. They should remain in the Leaf Village's possession." Tobirama explained.

"The balance of power would be grossly, out of place." Hashirama reasoned.

"No wars though." Tobirama said.

"A dictatorship is a good way to start a coup de ta." Emi pointed out.

"Exactly." Hashirama said.

"I don't see the big deal honey. The nine tails is the strongest tailed beast and its sealed within Mito, so clearly the strongest is going to stay in the leaf villages possession. If your that concerned about it, then just go with him." She said.

Tobirama perked up at that. "I will be joining you elder brother."

"Good. Not that that is settled, both of you sit down. It's dinner time." She said with a smile.

Both men sat down at the table with a smile to eat.


"Why were you so concerned earlier?" Emi asked her husband.

He narrowed his eyes. "I don't know if you noticed this, but Hashirama is quite the pushover."

"I noticed."

"With power comes responsibility, wth that comes balance. We don't need Hashirama giving in to everyone's demands." He explained.

She giggled.

"Are you feeling better?" He asked.

"Yes. I was just queasy earlier, Tobirama." She said.

"You can never be to careful." He said.

She rolled her eyes.

"Just promise me if it persists, you'll let Hashirama look you over?" He asked.

"Of course." She promised.

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