3 The Monster and the Superhero

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The group of us walked outside to talk about our next move. "We need to tap into the police dispatch to see if they're still looking for Eddie, but someone needs to stay with him." Dustin said.

"I can stay." I volunteered.

"Nick, are you sure that's a good idea? If you're found, you could go to jail." Steve questioned me.

"So, we won't get found." I shrugged. "Plus I could use the peace and quiet."

"Ok." Dustin stared at me, pulling out a walkie-talkie. "Call for us if anything goes south at all." He said. I nodded and we parted ways.

I walked back into the boat house where Eddie was and they drove off. "You're staying?" He question. I nodded my head and sat on the floor, pulling my knees to my chest and hiding my face into my arms. Silent tears started to fall again.

"You ok Nicky?" Eddie asked. His footsteps grew closer to me. I hummed a response and nodded yes, without moving my head up to face him. "Are you sure? Because it's ok to like. Not be ok. Your sister just died. So..."

"Oh my god no shit I didn't know that Eddie thanks for mentioning it again." I spoke into my knees, my voice breaking with every other word.

"I'm sorry Nicky. I just, I want to be there for you, but I don't know how when I feel like I'm to blame." Eddie sat in front of me with his legs crossed.

"You're to blame?" I looked up at him, almost feeling mad. "I'm the one that sent her to you Eddie. Don't throw that 'I'm to blame' bullshit at me. I fucking did it. You just witnessed it." I stood up and marched towards the table, putting both hands on it and looking down as tears dripped onto the floor.

Eddie followed me over. "Nick, you said it yourself. This isn't your fault. No one could've stopped it." He put his hand on my back, and I whipped around which caused his arm to fling off of me.

"Don't Eddie. I can't take it. I fucking killed my sister and no one's going to stop me from making it right." I spotted a roped in the corner and walked over to pick it up.

"Nicky, what are you doing?" Eddie asked.

I sat the rope back down. "What time is it?" I asked.

Eddie looked at his watch. "9:58." He said. "Why?"

"I just need to take a walk, but I'd rather wait until it's later. When no one's out." I answered.

"Why don't we just stay in here tonight Nick. It's safer." Eddie came over and stood in front of me.
"Can I give you a hug?" His voice sounded like it was starting to crack.

I nodded my head and he pulled me in. I leaned into his chest and stared at the water that sparkled in the moonlight. Then, I started to completely sob all over again.

"I know Nick. I'm so sorry. I tried to save her. I'm so so sorry." Eddie started to cry now too. I wrapped my arms around him and we sank to the floor. Both crying in guilt and sadness over what had happened.

After a little while, Eddie had gotten up. He pulled some old blankets out of a cabinet and began to clear the boat out. I remained on the ground, numb and dehydrated. My head began pounding again.

Eddie came over to me and held his hand out for me to grab. "Hop up." He said. "Now, we have a place to sit that's a lot more comfortable than this dirty floor." I grabbed his hand and he helped me to my feet and lead me over to the boat where he stacked the blankets to make it soft.

I climbed in, curling up under one of the blankets and sitting up against the side, still staring out at the water. Eddie followed me in and did the same. I could tell he was thinking about something, but I didn't know what.

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