8 ii Papa

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Eddie pulled me closer to his face. "I should have left you to hang when I had the chance." He said, gritting his teeth. "Then you wouldn't be able to fuck up anymore. Then... Chrissy's would be happy since you killed her."

My eyes filled with more tears and I looked around desperate for help, but no one was there. The room was empty and cold. My heart raced when I heard Eddie began to speak again.

Only this time, it wasn't Eddie's voice. It was a deep, raspy, monstrous voice. One that I recognized from skull rock. Vecna's voice.

I looked back up to see him. Grabbing my arm was a disgusting monster who looked as if decomposing vines from the swaps had wrapped around a corpse.

Every breath I had left escaped my lungs and my throat tightened. I was terrified. I ranked my arm away from him as hard as I could and backed away as he began to speak again.

"Nicole. It is time for your suffering to end." He reached a hand out to me, but I ran for the door.

I pulled the door to the outside open, ready to run. Only to reveal that it had been boarded up. I ran to other doors and windows only to reveal the same as Vecna just stood and watched me struggle.

Finally, I ran through the hall to try hiding in Max's mom's room. I flung the door open and ran through, only to reveal a space of red.

The door shut behind me and I froze. Hearing the clock's chimes as it floated through the air by me.

Holy shit. He's killed me and I've gone to hell. Damn. I didn't think I was that terrible of a person.

I slowly stepped forward down the steps only to reach the bottom and turn around to see that the staircase that I had just stood on top of had vanished. In its place, Vecna stood. I wasn't dead. Not yet, at least.

I tried backing away, but slipped and fell in the blood like fluid that covered the ground. Before I could scramble to my feet, Vecna approached me.

He knelt over me. "Nicole. It is time." He said again, as vines wrapped around my arms and legs and pulled me against a pillar of some kind that was made of more vines. "It's time, to join your sister."

Vecna held his hand out, directing my eyes to the side where Chrissy's mangled body was displayed like of his sick trophies. I tried wiggling free as my heart rate sped up, but it was no use.

"Henry, you don't have to do this! Think about your family! Think about your poor mother!" I yelled, trying anything I could at this point for there to be some chance for me to get free. Or at least by some time for the others to save me.

"My mother was a coward." He hissed. "Just like you. You all share common fear. Fear of change. Fear of something better." Vecna turned and the area we were in faded into the Creel house, where his dead mother and sibling were, then the old lab where dead and mangled children lay.

"You all fear that if there were better, you would no longer be good enough. But the truth is, you Nicole never were good enough. But now, you can be. Now the suffering is over."

Vecna turned back to me, reaching his hand towards me. This was it. Vecna would kill me and his plan would be complete. It was over.

Eddie's POV

"Nicky please! Please wake up!" I screamed, shaking her shoulders.

Max and Lucas rushed to her mothers room and were scrambling through drawers to find another Walkman and some tapes. When they rushed back into the room, they dumped a big box of tapes onto the floor and sat the Walkman beside it.

Finally, Our Year - Eddie Munson x OCWhere stories live. Discover now