8 Papa

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I began to panic. My chest felt like it weighed 100 pounds, and everything tuned out for a moment.

Please. Not Nancy. I can't lose her too.

I snapped out of it when I felt hands shake my shoulders. I looked at Dustin, who was yelling at me intensely. "NICKY WHAT IS HER FAVORITE SONG?" He screamed.

"What? I- I don't know. She likes Madonna! Um... Like A Virgin!" I said. "That's her favorite!"

Eddie sighed. We all knew there was no way Eddie would be caught dead owning a Madonna tape. "Is there anything else? I mean anything." He asked.

"I Was Made For Loving You by Kiss might work." I said, thinking that that might be the only song Nancy likes that Eddie might own.

Eddie rushed to the back to help the rest search, and I stayed by the gate, staring up at Nancy while Steve tried to wake her.

Eventually, she snapped out of it and fell to the ground. Steve caught her as she gasped out quick, panicked breaths. A sigh of relief fell over me, but I was now faced with the fact that Vecna could be after Nancy now too.

Steve helped Nancy up the sheet rope carefully and she fell to the mattress. I quickly rushed over to help her up and wrapped my arms around her. "Are you ok?" I asked her, but she didn't answer. She just trembled in my arms, gripping me for dear life.

Everyone else came into the living room, and we all sat, gathering ourselves for a moment.

A few minutes went by, and Max spoke up. "We can all stay at my place tonight." She said. "My moms out and we have some first aid stuff that we can fix Nicky up with." She said, glancing at me. We nodded in agreement before heading over.

"You guys can shower all the upside down crap off of you if you want. There's one bathroom down that hall, and another in my moms room." She said, directing us to where she mentioned with points. "Nick, I have some clothes that will probably fit you too." She looked at my torn and soaked dress.

I nodded, and sat on the ground gripping my sides. Eddie knelt beside me. "You ok?" He asked.

"Uh, yeah." I replied, wincing with each move. The fabric from the torn piece of shirt rubbed the bites the wrong was, and my throat ached.

After Nancy showered off, I stepped into the bathroom. I admired the red ring that surrounded my neck, and the way it was already bruising. Once I stripped the pieces that were once my dress off, I carefully removed the makeshift dressings from my wounds.

Luckily, the bleeding had stopped. The cuts weren't deep, but they still needed cleaned and properly covered. I also removed the old bandage from my arm, which barely even hung on anymore. The cuts on my arm were healed over enough that I no longer needed a bandage.

I got into the shower, and the moment the water hit my back, I throw myself forward in pain. Out of everything else, I had forgotten that my back was completely scraped up from being drug on the ground.

I quickly turned the heat down, which helped a lot. Carefully, I took some soap on a wet cloth and cleaned around my scrapes and wounds, then washed my hair and got out.

I wrapped in a towel and heard a knock at the door. "Hey Nicky. It's Max. I have some clothes and a first aid kit." She said through the door.

"Ok." I said back, before opening it to take the items from her. "Thank you." I said. Max just smiled and nodded, before closing the door again.

I finished drying off, blotting my injured areas to avoid causing them to bleed again, which regardless of how careful I was, they did a little.

Once I was try, I looked at myself in the mirror again. This time, I noticed that the side of one of my thighs was pretty torn up with scraped from being drug too. But, I didn't notice them as much since I was in far worse pain in other areas.

Finally, Our Year - Eddie Munson x OCWhere stories live. Discover now