9 ii The Piggyback

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Eddie looked over at the door again before letting go of the rope. "Eddie stop! Eddie stop!" Dustin and I cried.

"Stop stop!" I grabbed the sides of my head, panicking some more "Eddie, what are you doing?"

Eddie picked up what mattress and moved it against the wall. "I'm buying more time." He said, before swinging his spear and cutting the sheets. They fell to our feet.

"No! Eddie please!" Pleads and cried came from Dustin and I as he disappeared from view. "We have to go back!" I said to Dustin, tears threatening to fall.

"Here!" Dustin interlocked his fingers. "You can get to him faster than me! Go!"

I took a few steps back. "Are you sure about this? I don't wanna break your finger." I said looking at Dustin.

He bent up and walked over to me. Before I could say anything he wrapped his arms around me in a hug. I could feel him shaking in fear. "I don't care about my fingers. You have to get him. He'll die." He said. "Be careful Nicky." He said, before letting go of me.

"I will." I responded. Dustin got back into position and locked his fingers. I took a running start and stepped into his hands and he threw me upwards.

I grabbed the vines on the other side and flipped myself over, landing on my feet and stumbling over myself as I ran.

I walked out and looked every which way until I saw a swarm of bats about 100 yards away. "Eddie!" I yelled as I started booking it towards him.

By the time I could see him, the bats were falling. Dying. And he was lying on the ground covered in blood.

I knelt down beside him and held him in my arms. "Eddie!" I heard Dustin yell as he limped towards us.

"Eddie... oh my god." I whispered, brushing the hair out of his face. His eyes watered and he layer still, looking at me with a bloody smile.

"Bad huh?" He choked out.

I shook my head. "No. No it's gonna be ok. You're gonna be ok." Just then, Dustin reached us and knelt down beside me. "Right Dustin? It's not that bad. He's gonna be ok."

"Right," Dustin began. His voice shaking almost as hard as mine. "You're gonna be fine. We just gotta get you to a hospital."

"Ok." He choked out again. Dustin and I tried to set Eddie upright. "Alright." He winced. "I think..."

"Come on man." Dustin interrupted him.

"I think I just need a minute." Eddie said. Gently we sat him back down as he lay across my legs and I held him close. Tears began to fall.

Eddie looked at me. Tears mixed with blood as they fell to the sides of him face. "I didn't run away this time, right?"

I shook my head. "No. No you didn't. You didn't run." I sobbed.

Eddie turned his gaze to Dustin. "You're gonna have to look after those little sheep for me, ok?" He said.

Dustin began to sob. "No, you're gonna do that yourself."

"Nah man. Say I'm gonna look after them."

Dustin shook his head.

"Say it."

"I'm gonna look after them." Dustin cried.

"Good. And you, miss Cunningham. You've gotta keep Wheeler in line for me. That kid thinks the world of you." Eddie said.

I couldn't get any words out. All I could do was cry and nod my head yes.

"Cause we're graduating this year Nick." He said, lifting a hand a placing it on my cheek. "It's finally our year. And you're gonna go off and do such great things. I know it."

Finally, Our Year - Eddie Munson x OCWhere stories live. Discover now