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Despite Eddie's words, my nerves never settle. The thought of what Max could be sacrificing, the fact that we were in a stolen vehicle on our way to stalk up on as many weapons as possible, all of it was so unsettling.

It wasn't long before we arrived at Warzone. Everyone went inside, besides me, Lucas, Dustin, and Eddie. 

Dustin joined Lucas in the very back to talk about everything, while Eddie and I remained seated where we were.

I reached for Eddie's hand, playing with the rings on his fingers again. "Do you like them?" Eddie asked me, smiling as he watched me spin each one around his fingers.

I smiled, nodding up at him. Eddie smiled back at me, before taking one of them off of his pinky and sliding it onto my middle finger. "Looks better on you." He said.

"Eddie..." I said, with a soft smile.

He stopped me from continuing. "Don't. It looks better on you."

I looked down, twirling the ring around my middle finger, and unable to wipe the smile off my face. I turned back around to talk to Eddie again, but before I could get any words out, his lips crashed into mine, and they remained there for about 5 seconds.

A kiss that caught me by surprise, and nearly took my breath away. He pulled away and looked at my face which was stuck between the expressions of glee and shock.

He gave a small chuckle and threw his arm around me. "How are the bites?" He asked.

"Not that bad anymore. Still hurts, but healing." I replied.

"And the arm?"

I pulled up the sleeve of my jacket to reveal what now looked like 2 minor scrapes. "Don't even need a bandage anymore," I smirked.

Eddie smiled. "Good. And when this is over, you are going to get rid of whatever you've been using right away." He said. I nodded and Eddie leaned in to give me another quick kiss.

"Jesus Christ, I know you guys were screwing," Dustin said, with a disgusted tinge in his voice.

Lucas gave Dustin a small smack on the arm and I laughed. Eddie smiled. "Henderson, you truly are the biggest butthead known to man." He laughed. These sweet moments didn't last for long though. Soon, the others crashed through the door.

"What the hell happened?" Eddie questioned as they all ran in.

"We gotta go," Steve said, jumping into the drivers' seats.

"Your old friends are here!" Erica said to Lucas, panic written on her face.

"Shit!" Lucas cursed.

"Let's go! Let's go!" Dustin rushed!

"I'm going!" Steve yelled as he fiddled the keys around. "Everyone sit down!" He said, slamming the RV into drive and speeding away.

Once we were about a mile away, everyone's nerves began to settle and we were back to talking like before. Robin and Erica went through everything that they bought, showing us each item and explaining what they could be used for.

Soon, we reached an empty field that was in the middle of nowhere. No houses, not even cows were in sight for miles. It was the perfect spot. Steve drove down into the field until the RV was out of sight from the road, and we filed out, each carrying all the supplies that we could grab.

Everyone dispersed, taking their assigned supplies to make weapons and protection for our battle. Robin and Steve worked on fire bombs, the Sinclairs made spears, Eddie and Dustin put together shields, and Nancy, Max, and I worked on the gun stuff.

Finally, Our Year - Eddie Munson x OCWhere stories live. Discover now