Part 29: What Did We Win?

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Katrina's pov
I was watching the gorgeous Nick Jonas present an award wen Harry nudged me.

"I have to do something, want to come?"

"What do you have to do?" I furrowed my eyebrows, confused.

"Just something before we perform, it'll be quick." He assured me.

"I don't know you might kill me." I joked.

"I'm not going to to kill you, come on!" He chuckled as he stood up.

"Fine, fine. I'm coming." I giggled, running I catch up to him.

We walked past the aisles, the seats filled with beautiful people in exquisite gowns and suits.

Harry led me to the elevators with an arm around my waist. The elevators were located outside of the auditorium and as soon as the doors closed behind us, it was quiet.

"Where are we going?" I looked up at him.

"Umm, the dressing rooms."

"For what?" I asked.

"Look there's an orange!" He exclaimed as he picked it up, completely ignoring my question.

"I wouldn't eat it if I were you." I shook my head.

"It looks fine to me." He replied as he observed it.

"Harry what are we doing?" I impatiently tapped my foot.

He began peeling the orange as he replied, "We're just going to the dressing room. I just need to check on something besides, it's almost time to get ready to perform so it'll save time. And I need to use the loo." He shrugged.

"You couldn't just said that before pulling me into an elevator?"

Just then the doors opened and Harry grabbed my hand pulling me out to a long winding stair case.

"This doesn't look like the dressing rooms." But Harry just started going up the stairs without saying anything.

"Harry I don't think we're allowed up here." I whispered-yelled.

"There's a better view from up here." He tried to reason. I hesitated before running up after him. I followed him to make sure he didn't get into any trouble, but just like that night in The Louvre, I couldn't help but notice I had an adrenaline rush and it felt good, exciting even.

"Better view my ass. Harry if we get in trouble we're going to be escorted out which is a lot more embarrassing than being escorted to our seats!"

"This will be fun!" He yelled at the top of his lungs, his voices echoing loudly off the walls.

"Oh my god." I whispered to myself and my legs burned. "How much farther?" I asked.

"Almost there!"

I slowed down significantly, barely able to lift my legs anymore. It took me a few minutes to get up the last few steps and when I reached the top I wrapped my arms around Harry who was leaning against the metal railings looking down at the show underneath us. I leaned into him, trying to catch my breath which was hard since we were so high up and the view was amazing.

"Wow." I whispered, peeking down. We could see the stage and the whole audience.

"I told you." He smirked.

"Ok so what now? I'm not physically capable of walking back down those stairs. Skirts and stairs so not go together."

"Let's watch from up here." He pulled out his orange again and started eating it.

"How does it taste?" I giggled.

"Like an orange." He shrugged. He tried to hand me a piece, but I shook my head. He was such a weirdo.

For the next few minutes we watched the award show about two hundred feet from the ground.

"We are going to get in so much trouble." I chuckled.

"We could always go back to our boring seats."

Usually I would agree, but not today.

"No I like the view from up here." I whispered as I looked up at him.

"I'm glad you like it." He replied pulling me in for a kiss, on my temple.

"And the winners for Artist of the year is...One Direction!" The announcer's voice echoed through the room, making us jump apart.

"Shit." Harry whispered. "We have to goooo!!!" He grabbed my hand and we ran down the steps and back into the elevator. I started laughing so hard it started to slow us down.

Harry would miss his own award.

"This is not a time to laugh at me!" He huffed as we ran into the elevator. I leaned against the wall, clutching my stomach as I laughed. Harry tried to hold back a smile, but soon enough he was laughing too.

"Shut up." He nudged me playfully.

We could hear the boys begin to speak as they were presented the award so as soon as the doors opened Harry ran for his life, pulling me by the hand. I yelled out apologizes since he made me bump into almost every person I ran by.

"We're not exactly sure where Harold is..." Louis spoke into the mic and looked around.

"I'm coming!" Harry shouted.

"Ah, there he is." Liam pointed at him. I let him go and he ran on stage. His hair was all over the place and he was out of breath which made me laugh a little.

"Sorry I was having a wee." He grabbed the mic. I started busting up and he noticed, winking at me before turning to Zayn. See thing was, Harry isn't a good whisperer but he thinks he is so when he whispered, "What did we win?" To Zayn, everyone in the audience laughed.

Zayn could barely keep his composure as he replied, "Artist of the year, mate."

"Thank you everyone! We love you, thank you!" Harry said quickly concluding their thank you speech. As he walked off, I just started slow clapping at his wonderfully executed speech.

"Just brilliant." I joked and he just lightly slapped my hands to make me stop clapping and slung his arm around my shoulders.

"Shut up." He chuckled.

Soon, we were escorted back stage to the boys' actual dressing room to prepare for their performance. The boys quickly changed and freshened up before they were taken away to their positions. I followed Harry of course and we waited back stage for the cue.

"Don't be late for this one." I joked.

"I'm never going to live that down." He shook his head and laughed.

"Oh definitely not. I can't wait to see this all over the Internet." I teased.

Suddenly, the boys were introduced and the lights dimmed, which was their cue.

I quickly kissed him in the cheek and whispered, "good luck."

He smiled at me before turning around and going on stage. I smiled to myself watching him perform. It was crazy how a few months ago, I was dying to watch him in concert and now I had the best seat ever. He also loved me and I just loved him even more.

I love it when those two go on these little mischievous adventures. Please comment and vote! Love you guys!

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