Fictional Love |🐧🐻

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 Fictional Love

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Fictional Love

Life was beautiful, full of colors and feelings for everyone...but for this one guy named Choi Beomgyu life was grey and hollow.
Nothing was interesting in his life, it was the same it was a unbreakable cycle... which he can't get out of. He was a college student...people say you meet new people and do the things you never did before. And the pressure of studies get you. Well for Beomgyu he did get the last part but not the other things.

His life was pretty in his small apartment room, studying and going to his part-time job. Coming home, studying again then sleep.

"I feel so bored ugh! Should I try writing stories?"

He was good at writing since childhood and his brain was imaginative...he loved reading books in highschool those books about love and what if he writes one about himself? Where his life will have colors and not so grey-ish and boring? Yes he definitely should.

"So let's make a character first! Umm...what kind of person is my type?" He thinks for a while and starts describing his partner for the story.

"Hmmm let's see...A guy younger than me.. probably taller than me and has blonde hair! Broad shoulders and cute personality, Beautiful face and high-bridged nose, has angelic voice and a funny guy"

He describes his partner for the story... he's the protagonist and Kai is the protagonist's Love.

"What should i name him?" He thinks and comes up with a name.
"Let's name him Huening Kai!!" He named Kai after his fav idol Kai from exo and the surname he heared it somewhere...he doesn't remember where-

"Let's start the story then!" Beomgyu starts writing the first chapter of his story...and he loved writing it. He can do whatever he wants here..and make himself feel like he's important too and his life is full of colors like others.

He spends the whole evening writing chapters of his story...and then he eventually falls asleep while writing.
He wakes up the next day and remembers he has college and he didn't complete his next assignment which is due Tomorrow...he was to invested in writing his story. He stood up from his bed and dashed towards the bathroom and got ready to go to college.

After he came back home today...he wanted to continue his story with his fictional Love Kai but he had to do his left assignment so he did that first. It was midnight now and he finally completed his assignment. He wanted to write the story but he was way too much tired to write it so he just fell asleep not knowing his love was waiting for his life to be continued.

"Why did Beomgyu hyung didn't come to meet me today? Is he busy? I guess so... I'll just wait for him here" the character Kai was waiting for his love Beomgyu to come and continue his story. He was glad he was created..yes he knows he is not real and his life is being written by his author and his love Beomgyu. Sad right? All he can do is wait for Beomgyu to write his life chapters.

Finally Beomgyu got the time to continue his story. He has been lately imagining how kai would look if he was real... "Would he look handsome like i imagine him to be? Would he love me?"

Beomgyu only had a crush once back in highschool...which he got rejected..He was a hopeless romantic... reading Romance books and falling for fictional characters became his thing. And now that he was writing his own story...he definitely fell in love with Kai.. whom he created to escape his reality and lonliness and did it help? Absolutely Fucking Yes!

"Time to make Kai fall for me!" He was writing Chapter 6 of his story..and Beomgyu finally wrote about Kai admitting his feelings for the protagonist aka Beomgyu.
Beomgyu was so immersed in writing that he got full in character. He was smiling writing everything about how Kai will greet Beomgyu and how both of them will fall head over heels for each other. This was fun and Beomgyu was actually imagining himself in these scenes.

Finally he finished 15 chapters and him and Kai were now dating in his book. He fell for this fictional Kai...he wished that Kai was real and this book story was his real story. And what if The fictional Kai also thought about The real Beomgyu? And what if he wished he wasn't fictional but real?

It was now weeks after Beomgyu finished writing his book. He and Kai had a happy ending..and now it was his daily thing to read the book before sleeping... imagining about Kai and him. He really was hopeless..he wanted Kai to be real. He wished that he could Love the Huening Kai in real too but it wasn't possible. He wondered if the fictional Kai would like him if he was real.

But what he didn't knew was another thing:

[Kai POV]
I know I'm a fictional character made by my author Beomgyu to fall inlove with him. And basically this is what i did wrong. All of us fictional characters have a destined ending and we are supposed to be satisfied with that. But i crossed the line and i wanted more...i fell in love with my reader who is also my Author and Love of my story.

I know I'm not supposed to love a real person... I'm just a character...but i broke the rule and now I'll suffer like every other character who fell inlove with their readers/authors.

I heared Beomgyu saying: "I wish you were real Kai, do you also think about me? I love you but you're not real"
This hurts so much that i want to cry...and i am crying, tears are rolling down my cheeks and i want to shout loudly to him that-

Yes Beomgyu i think about you too! Everyday! I wish You were here with me.. basically you are but I want You not as my protagonist but as my Boyfriend
"I love you too but you're real"

[End of Kai POV]

Kai wasn't real and he was supposed to be happy with his protagonist Beomgyu...but instead he fell for the REAL BEOMGYU...he crossed the line and now he have to suffer FOREVER and his heart will never be complete. Real Beomgyu will eventually find someone but Fictional Kai will eventually get lost in this book's story...and his existence will not matter to his real Beomgyu anymore. He was created just for Imagination anyways.

Sometimes Fictional characters also don't get a definite happy ending just like Huening kai:)

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

Hello Luvs! This is my first Beomkai oneshot cuz i love them sm! This app needs more Beomkai fr-
Hope y'all like it. Comment if you do~

And yeah Part.2 with an alternative ending is written to as per y'all's request haha.

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