The mafia's little prince🐻🦊

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--------- ---->>The mafia's little Prince <<---- ----------

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--------- ---->>The mafia's little Prince <<---- ----------

"I'm running away"
Yes you're right... I'm running away from this cruel fate of mine...Why? And who i am? Let me introduce myself.

"Choi Yeonjun the next to be king... bound to be married to Lee Sumin...the princess of the western kingdom."

[Author POV]
Yeonjun is the prince of the Eastern Kindom...the eldest son of the king of Isile of Aminours. He was bound to become the next king after he turns 23 and marry a fine noble woman...and it was his fate.
He knew Sumin since he was a kid...they were good friends...But none of them had that feelings for each other.

A week ago, the planning of the crowning ceremony of Yeonjun and their engagement was happening...and to say how much Yeonjun hated it was an understatement. First of all he didn't wanted to be the king. Not like he disliked his country or hated the idea of royalty...he just wanted to live a normal life like others...not caged up in this big castle. And being bound with someone who he sees as a little sister is more displeasing.

So yea, this was the reason he decided to run away before the night of his crowning ceremony.

"Yes finally all are asleep and i can escape!"
Yeonjun was now standing at the balcony ready to jump. But it was too he decided to sneak into the royal dining hall and jump from it's window. There was a huge tree near the window which would help him get down easily and no one would be able to see him too.

"Your grace..where are you going at this hour?" Asked the guard outside his room.
"Oh it's nothing...i just can't sleep so I'm going to drink some water"
"Should i get yo-"
Before the guard could say something Yeonjun cut him off...and said- "no it's fine...i wanna take a small troll around to clear my mind. No need to worry about me"

The guard just obeyed him and Yeonjun successful reached his desired destination...the dining hall.

He quietly jumped off the window and landed on the tree... gripping it's branch carefully. Slowly he climbed down and ended up standing on the ground of the Royal garden...which was quite at night... only the sounds of the crickets could be heared. Glad no guard was here at this side.
Now the question is he gonna go outside?
Well he's not dumb...he already knows the door which is for the servants to go out from the castle...and it wasn't hard stealing the key from his dear knight's room.
"Glad i did all the planning this week...hah no one would even suspect me because i didn't even protest like the other Princes in history...haha learned enough from those damn books."

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