Cross the line | 🐿️🐧

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Cross the line

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Cross the line

Taehyun was Huening Kai’s one and only academic rival. Huening Kai was untouchable until it came to a certain someone. Kang Taehyun. His scores are always leveled with Taehyun and it made him pissed. If only Taehyun didn't exist, he would be on the top.

Today was the final math tournament of the week and Taehyun and Kai were the only people who managed to enter.

"I won't wish you goodluck, even all the good luck in the world wouldn't save you from losing to me.” Huening Kai smirked, chuckling as he nudged Taehyun’s shoulder roughly.

“Oh yeah? Let's see who gets the 1st rank.”
Taehyun replied back with a smirk.

"I already know I'll win," Kai smirked back, shrugging lazily.

“Don't be too overconfident, it leads to downfall buddy.” Taehyun commented with a chuckle.

"The downfall of others," Kai replied with a chuckle, a little annoyed that this nerd thought he stood a chance. He was going to be in for a rude awakening.

“Oh? Let's see who's crying after the exams.”
Taehyun smirked, pushing his glasses and sitting on his seat for the tournament exam.

Kai sat down as well as he smirked.
"This is going to be the easiest math test ever. How do you plan to beat me, nerd?" he mocked, looking down on Kang Taehyun as they took the test. Teasing him and getting on his nerves was so fun to Kai. He loved seeing his pissed off face, it was his daily dose of happiness.

"Nerd? Says the one who's on par with me.” Taehyun laughed at that.

Kai ignored this and finished his math questions quickly. He checked over his answers and smirked, raising his hand.
"I've finished, can I leave? The rest will be pointless"
Kai announced and looked directly at Kang Taehyun as he waited for someone to give him permission to leave.

“Sure, you can leave.”
The invigilator replied. Taehyun was still writing, as time was left.

Kai smirked in his smug, cocky way, chuckling as he stood and turned to leave.
"See you later, Nerd."

Kai's attitude was annoying, but it was so easy to push his buttons and make him mad as well. Taehyun was busy writing right now, or else he would have thrown a comeback at that cocky asshole.

Taehyun ignored him, and continued to calmly give his exams, re-checking his calculations, and finished 5 minutes before due time.
“Well, let's wait for the results.”
He thought as he left the exam hall.

A few days later, Kai suddenly came up to Taehyun in school.

"Alright, you were right about getting the best results," he admitted, annoyed that this nerd somehow got better then him. His smirk faded as he looked at him.

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