Wishing Star🐿️🐻

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-------- ---->> Wishing Star <<---- --------

Taehyun was a busy man....he barely had time for his friends and vice-versa. He was getting kinda sick of this life....being alone and bored. But what can he do? His bestfriend Kai was also busy with his life and he already had a boyfriend Soobin. Taehyun had met him a few times and he's really nice.

All of his friends are with someone except him. He won't asmit but he does feels jealous seeing Kai being all lovey-dovey with Soobin. But again what can he do? He can only wish for the thing they had.

Today was a holiday and Taehyun was visiting his sister. His sister is already married and they have a daughter Aera. Taehyun loves her and she does too. He was now at his sister's house...sitting with Aera and talking about the starts.
Aera: uncle uk i saw on TV that we can see shooting stars in the sky today!
Aera said excited...she always loved stars. Taehyun smiled seeing her so excited.
Taehyun: so should we go out and watch them?
Aera: yesss lesssgoo!
She ran outside and taehyun walked behind her. They laid on the grass of the backyard looking up at the night sky. After a while aera exclamied-
Aera: Uncle tae look! The stars are falling! Make a wish mum says it comes true!
Taehyun: ok let's wish for something together!
Taehyun closed his eyes and wished;
I hope to find my happiness.
He opened his eyes and saw Aera looking at him. They both giggled and continued looking at the shooting stars and talking about random things.

Taehyun was now at his house typing something in his laptop and fighting the urge to fall asleep. But he miserably failed and he fell asleep on the couch with the laptop beside him. His neck is definitely gonna hurt next morning.
Maybe not?
Someone walked towards Taehyun's couch and sat down infront of him. Looking at him. The person put a blanket over taehyun and walked away.

Taehyun woke up next morning to find himself fallen asleep on the couch and a blanket over him.
Huh? Who put a blanket over me? And why did i fell asleep oh my god...my work! Wait- why do i smell pancakes?
Taehyun got up and walked towards to kitchen and stood at the door eyes widened in shock... There was a guy in his clothes... cooking pancakes?!? Why is a stranger at his house WTF-

"W-who are y-you? And w-why are you i-in my kitchen?" Taehyun asked in shock.

"Oh you woke up! Good morning Taehyunnie! I'm making pancakes for you that's why I'm in the kitchen...go freshen up and come fast!" The stranger guy said smiling happily at Taehyun.

"First of all who the hell are you! Why are you here?" Taehyun asked the guy infront of him.

"Wdym why am i here? You wished for me remember! To the wishing star , and I'm Beomgyu! I'm here to make you happy "

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