My home 🐻X🦊🐰🐿️🐧

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Requested by sktxen_eun

"Hyung is it just me or do you also noticed that Beomgyu hyung is ignoring us?" Hueningkai asked Soobin.

"He is? I don't think so?" Soobin replied shrugging.

"Kai's right, I think hyung is sulky." Taehyun said from behind.

"Why though?" Yeonjun questioned.

"No idea." Kai said shaking his head.

The thing is, Beomgyu is ignoring the four of them since yesterday night and they don't know why. He's acting sulky and when Yeonjun tried to ask him, he just excused himself saying that he needs to go to washroom. This morning when Kai tried to hug him, he refused the hug too. This made Kai and the others very confused because Beomgyu never declined hugs, even when he was angry. Their adorable Boyfriend was being weird and they had no idea why.

It was evening already and Beomgyu was still ignoring them, locked up in his dorm room. It was raining outside and usually all of them would be cuddling in one one their rooms or sprawled on the couch in the living room. But that was not the scenario for today. Soobin was getting impatient so he thought of an idea to confront Beomgyu.

"Why don't we build a pillow fort here and ask Beomgyu to join us? He loves it, I bet he won't refuse." Soobin suggested.

"Yeah that's a great idea!!" Said Yeonjun.

"I'll go get the blankets and sheets, Kai you get the pillows, Yeonjun hyung get the fairy lights and Taehyun ready the snacks." Soobin ordered.

"Yes sir, on my way." Kai said with a salute which made Soobin chuckle. He pressed a small kiss on his cheeks which Made Kai smile.

Soon, all of them built the pillow fort and it looked really comfy. The pillows and some of Kai's plushies arranged at the sides and the blanket fluffed up beneath them, with twinkling fairy-lights hanging above. Taehyun smiled at their work, already imagining Beomgyu's reaction.

"I wanna cuddle with all of you guys, let's call Beomgyu hyung now." Kai said cutely, clinging onto Taehyun's arms, which made Taehyun giggle in adoration.

"Okay, I'll go call Gyu." Yeonjun said, walking up to Beomgyu's room. Now he was standing infront of Beomgyu's room, knocking on his door.

"Baby, come out please." Yeonjun called, but got no response. Sighing Yeonjun called him a few more times more, but despite his attempts, Beomgyu didn't answer. With a disappointed feeling and crestfallen face, Yeonjun walked back to the living room meeting three curious gazes.

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