Flowers Of You🦊🐻

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--------- ---->> Flowers of You <<---- ---------

[Story line is based on Hanahaki Disease]

Yeonjun was in the bathroom coughing and panting, A single Light pink coloured petal came out of his mouth and fell to the sink. That's when Yeonjun knew he was in deep shit.

So Yeonjun has a crush on his group member Beomgyu...he doesn't know when it happened but he realised that he loves him more than friends.
But sadly the other didn't felt the same about here he was now suffering.

"Hyung are you fine-" Kai asked Yeonjun knocking on the bathroom door.
"Don't enter kai! Please I'm fine!" Yeonjun shouted from inside and Kai said okay and walked away still worried about his hyung.

This was getting harder than expected....Yeonjun's love for Beomgyu was growing more day by day and so was the flowers in his lungs. He coughed out a petal everytime he saw Beomgyu Clinging to Soobin or Flirting with Kai. His heart clenched and it became hard for him to breathe.

One day they were practicing for their upcoming comeback and Beomgyu was clowning Yeonjun's rap part. Yeonjun sat beside him and scoffed showing he's done but he was a bit happy inside...
Then suddenly Beomgyu was tackled to the ground by Taehyun who was wrestling with him and he looked so happy. It made Yeonjun feel sick and he felt like coughing so he got up and went to the bathroom not knowing someone was behind.

"Oh my god hyung! I knew something was wrong" maknae Kai said as he entered the bathroom looking at Yeonjun who coughed a number of Pink soft petals now.
K-kai...why did you come inside?" Yeonjun said looking at Kai in horror....he wasn't supposed to find out about this!
"Hyung i am not that dumb...i noticed these days you ran to the bathroom often and i even heared you coughing one night in your room" kai said worried.
Yeonjun just started at the floor saying nothing.
"It's beomgyu hyung right?" Kai asked
"Am i that obvious?" Yeonjun said chuckling.
"Hyung how long has it been? You should get surgery! You know you can die right?" Kai said walking towards Yeonjun and holding his hands.
"i know kai... I'll get it soon after the comeback." Yeonjun said sighing. He didn't wanted to get the surgery and lose the precious feeling...even tho it hurt him.

Kai hugged him and walked with him outside. Yeonjun was feeling a bit better now.
The members were sitting in the Van now and Kai was beside Yeonjun. Beomgyu and Soobin were asleep and Taehyun was scrolling through his phone.

After they reached their dorms...Kai immediately took Yeonjun to his(yeonjun's) room as he was ready to cry anytime seeing Beomgyu. Kai told Taehyun he will be sleeping with Yeonjun today and he nodded yes. Beomgyu was confused about why Yeonjun was ignoring him since the time Kai and him came out of bathroom.

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