Our Kitty pt.2 | 🐿️X🐰🦊🐻🐧

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Our Kitty

Everyone was sitting in the living room now, with the Cat-hybrid sitting along with them. Taehyun was having a big existential crisis. These four people don't seem dangerous, but Soobin, he's scared of him. He stuck to Kai's side the whole time they were sitting.

The four of them were talking about him, he knew that. But his head was too dizzy and mind too foggy to figure out anything. He felt his eyelids drooping, when he heard Beomgyu's voice.

"Kitty? Are you listening?"

Taehyun jolted awake at the mention of his name. He was being talked to, and he didn't pay attention, he made a mistake, he's gonna be punished now. How did he dare to fall asleep when he was supposed to pay attention?

"Hey hey, calm down Kitty, what happened?"
Taehyun felt two warm hands holding his own shaking ones, and just then he realised there were tears in his eyes and he was biting his lips.

The other three hybrids looked at the Omega in worry, wondering what made him cry out of nowhere.

"Kitty don't be scared, Beomgyu hyung was just asking if you heard what we asked you." Kai said softly, holding the shaking boy's hands, trying to understand what made him act like this.

The smaller boy nodded at his words, calming down slowly. The flashbacks were crazy for him, the fear of making a mistake and being punished for it was his worst nightmare. He didn't want to upset them, but that's exactly what he did.

"Kitty, leave that. Are you hungry?" Yeonjun asked from across the couch, keeping his voice soft and gentle.

Hearing about food made Taehyun's ears perk up. It's been days since he last ate something that actually counts as food. The idea of eating something made his stomach grumble. He instantly nodded his head to that.

"Okay. Beomie can you grab some snacks from the kitchen?" Yeonjun asked Beomgyu and he happily accomplied.

He came back with some cookies and crackers in his hands, and presented a cookie infront of Taehyun.

He immidiately took it and and ate it as fast as possible, his survival instincts kicking in. Who knows when will he get to taste these again?

"Woah woah slow down Kitty, the food isn't going anywhere." Beomgyu said with a chuckle upon seeing how quick the Omega was gobbling up the cookies.

"I think he's really hungry. Maybe we should make some actual food for him." Soobin said from the side. The Cat-hybrid seemed vary of Soobin, so he stayed at side. Well it was his own mistake, he has to win the trust of the little Omega here now.

"You're right. Maybe I should cook some soup for him." Yeonjun mumbled.

"Yeah your soup tastes the best!" Kai said smiling brightly. He really was a puppy.

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