Birthday Gift🐰🐧

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--------------------- »𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐆𝐢𝐟𝐭 « -----------------------

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--------------------- »𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐆𝐢𝐟𝐭 « -----------------------

It was Soobin's Birthday soon. He was very excited for it, because his Boyfriend Huening Kai told him that he had a surprise for him.

Soobin and Huening Kai had been dating for 5 years already, and Soobin seems to fall in love with Hueningkai more as each day passes. Huening Kai is just so perfect for him and it's like they were made for each other.

Even Soobin's mom admits that.

The thought of what might be Huening Kai's gift had Soobin wondering and squeal in excitement. Huening Kai's gifts were always special and Soobin's favourite. Don't tell his bestfriend Beomgyu though.

In their first year of being together, Huening Kai gave him a surprise by coming at his house at 12 AM and arranging a Party while he was asleep. Soobin still remembers it as clear as today. He was almost about to cry upon seeing Kai's work. He was truly speechless and happy. It was one of his best birthday ever.

Soobin wonders what awaits for him this year.

It was currently 10 PM, a night before he turns one year older. There were exactly 2 hours left until his birthday. Soobin was getting more excited as the time passed by.

"Should I sleep? But I can't fall asleep from all the excitement!" Soobin mumbled to himself and kicked the blanket off him, rolling on his bed.

He thought he would not fall asleep, but he didn't knew when he closed his eyes and sleep engulfed him. He didn't even realise but he fell into a deep sleep.


"Hyung Wake up!" Soobin felt someone shaking him in between his sleep.

"Uhm...what...Hyuka let me sleep please...." Soobin said with a muffled voice. He was way too comfortable in his bed and blanket as it was cold outside.

"Hyung it's your Birthday! Wake up!" Soobin heared Huening Kai chuckle and when the words "Birthday" reached his ears, he sprang up from his bed and sat down, looking at a smiling Huening Kai.

"Happy Birthday hyung!! You're getting old~" Huening Kai wished him cutely and pecked his cheek which made Soobin blush.

"Thankyou hyuka." Soobin smiled and kissed Kai's cheeks too.

He was going to say something when his three other friends Beomgyu, Taehyun and Yeonjun also entered the room with a Cake and party-poppers.

"Happyyyyy Birthdayyyyy Choiiiii Sooooobinnnnnn" Yeonjun sang in his extra-dramatic tone, accompanied by Beomgyu while Taehyun just stood there with the cake in his hands smiling widely.

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