I Can be a better Boyfriend than him 🐻🐧

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Here's Beomkai for ya! Li0nsden

Beomgyu was walking back to his dorm, eyes swollen and red with tears. His voice sounded broken and hoarse from Yelling. He harshly wiped off his tears and entered the room, slamming the door shut.

He dragged his legs forwards, having no energy to even walk. He sighed for the nth time, stepping towards his bed. Maybe a Good sleep would help.

But his plan was instantly ruined when he felt someone gripping his wrist.

"Why are you crying? Who made you cry?" The owner of the hand said in an authoritive tone, which sent shivers down Beomgyu's spine.
But he ignored the feeling, not wanting to speak with anyone right now.

"Leave me alone. I'm fine." Beomgyu said, trying to remove his hands, but the other's grip was steel strong.

"You don't look fine to me Hyung. Is it because of him again?" Huening Kai, Beomgyu's eternal enemy who also happened to be his Roommate...spoke with a tone Beomgyu has never heared before. It made him feel weird in his stomach. Still he shrugged off the feeling and tried to reply.

"N-none of y-your business Kai." He wanted to sound strong but his voice came out like a whimper instead. He was on the verge of breaking down. And Kai being like this wasn't helping at all. Why was he being like this?


Huening Kai and Beomgyu were neighbours since they were 10. Their houses were beside each other, and they saw each every single day as a result. Their Parents were good friends even. But that wasn't the case for Kai and Beomgyu.

Beomgyu always saw Kai as his enemy. He hated Kai, more than anything. Why? Because he was always the one beating him in Soccer matches. Everyone praised Kai, and he had a ton of friends unlike Beomgyu. He hated that. Kai was good at everything. And that everything also included studies.

If only Kai didn't exist, Beomgyu would be the topper in his class. The only subject in which Beomgyu was able to beat Kai was Maths. Kai was horrible in Maths, while Beomgyu was the best in that. Beomgyu walked to his home with a smirk on his face the day when he got a 98 in Maths exams.

He remembers Kai's face, it was crestfallen. Beomgyu was Proud. Finally he got more than Kai! But seeing the sad boy's face may or may not have made him a bit sad too. Whatever who cares. He can brag about it to Kai for ages now.

Well, that's what he thought. But his thoughts were proven wrong. The teacher asked Beomgyu to tutor Kai. His face was worth watching. He was literally shocked and annoyed. Why him?
He wanted to deny, but the extra grade was what kept him going. If he tutors Kai, he will get an extra grade.
And that's how Beomgyu tutored Kai for a whole Month.

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