The Kiss🥵💙

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Are you fucking kidding me Zayn? 
You know I don't have a boyfriend.
Who am I supposed to bring to the

I don't know dude.
Just ask one of your friends
to be your fake date

You know damn well you're
my only friend. I don't understand,
why can't I just come alone?

Because it's couples themed.
There's couple games. Contests.
So unless you wanna do them alone
and look like an idiot, bring someone.
What about your best friend Louis?
Bring him. Tell him you need a fake date 
for a wedding. It's a win-win situation.
You don't come alone, and you get to spend
a day as Louis' boyfriend.

It's not that fucking simple man

If I bring him I could lose control

Whatever I'll figure something out.


Harry furiously threw his phone across the bed. 'FUCK. I guess I have to talk to Louis. But oh my god, what if I get carried away. What if I lose control. I could fuck everything up. But he's my only option, and Zayn's right. Spending a day as his boyfriend? Sign me the fuck up. I can control myself, I've been doing it for a year.'

Harry's thoughts raced in his mind as he picked his phone up and texted his best friend.


Hey, Louis
Can I ask for a favor
It's kinda annoying, sorry

Yeah, whatever you need

I sort of need a fake date for
Zayn's wedding and I don't 
really have any other friends to
You can totally say no

Harry chill 
I'll do it

Oh okay

No problem


The wedding day

Harry woke up to the familiarly irritating sound of his alarm. Having a long day ahead of him, he quickly got out of bed and started getting ready. Since the wedding wasn't until 6 PM, the boy had some free time. You would think he'd just relax or watch something. But no, he has to plan every single detail for his date with Louis. Fake date, sorry.

After showering and having breakfast, the blond began to plan his outfit. Obviously, he needed a tuxedo, but more importantly, he needed one that would impress Louis.

'Jesus when did all my clothes get so fucking ugly. Ew. What the fuck when did I buy this?'

After browsing the same options over and over, Harry finally found a good outfit.

Many, many hours of ver thinking later, Harry was ready. His hair looked stunning, with perfect chocolate brown curls. His tuxedo was a perfect fit, it highlighted all his best features, and you could even kind of see his abs through it. Poor Louis, he's gonna have to try really hard to keep his hands to himself tonight.

Grabbing his keys and phone, Harry quickly left the house. He had about an hour to pick up Louis, go over the plan and get to Zayn's house for the wedding.

Around 15 minutes later, the boy arrived at Louis' place. He called his phone, and after the second ring, Louis picked up.

"Hey, baby, are you here already?"

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