"Help me please"🔥

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Description: It's 2018 and One Direction has been on hiatus for 3 years now. Harry and Louis broke up in 2015, and now 3 years later Harry needs help. We're also just gonna say the big argument was about Freddie and all of that.

Will Louis help him?

Will they start dating again?

TW and other notes: Blowjob, literally adding more to this to make it better, Fluff


N/A: Rereading this and I'm cringing because when I wrote this I thought it was SOOO good LMAO


"Bye mate"

"Bye Harry"

Harry was just leaving one of his mate's house, he shut the door and started walking. He had a cap on a coat, so if you just took a quick glance you wouldn't suspect it to be the one and only Harry Styles. It was a late Friday night in January, It was dark and his phone was almost dead.

As he was walking he start getting lost, it was a little past midnight when he checked his phone and he was starting to think that he should've stayed at his mate's house. At this point he was completely lost, he didn't know where he was and there were no houses as far as he could see, which wasn't very far.

Soon he started hearing footsteps behind him and he was scared, he started to pick up his pace. the people behind him also picked up their speed "Hey we just wanna talk" a man said to him from behind. Harry stopped and turned around slowly because he didn't know what these people wanted and he didn't want to get hurt "Yes?" he says quietly. Harry looked up there were 3 men wearing all black and they were surrounding him "Have you tried weed?" Harry shook his head "N-no" "Well do you want some?" Harry shook his head no again "I'm okay, thanks"

"Give me everything you've got," another man said as he took a step closer, Harry was so scared and he didn't know what to do. Harry grabbed the cash that he had in his pocket and handed it to the man "Got anything else?" he growled. Harry said no but the other guy spots his phone hanging out of his pocket and grabbed it quickly.

"Unlock it" Harry shook his head "Now," the first man said, "I can't." The second guy pulled out a knife from his black pants and held it against his neck, not too hard to cut but hard enough to leave a mark. 

To Harry's luck, two cars drove by and one honked their horn making the guy move his knife down by Harry's stomach. "Take this as a warning" and the guy cuts across his stomach right over his butterfly tattoo. Another car came by and honk its horn making the 3 men jump back.

Harry took this opportunity to get away, he ran as fast as he could trying to ignore the pain in his stomach. the 3 guys start running after him, Harry takes a few turns and loses them. After 10 or so minutes of running Harry starts to recognize where he was. Harry was in Louis' neighborhood, without a second thought Harry ran to Louis' door knowing that he hasn't moved and knocked before he collapsed to his knees.

A few seconds later he hears the door unlock and open. Louis gasped "H-Harry?" Harry looked up at Louis who was still the most beautiful man he has ever seen, he still loved him. When they broke up they had a huge fight, but Harry never stopped loving Louis and he was hoping that he still felt the same way "Help me please" he cried out in pain as he tried to get up but couldn't.

Louis was shocked to see his ex-boyfriend at his door. he looked at him and stopped at his stomach. He saw Harry's hand covered in blood, his button-up ripped with blood, and could see the cut across his abdomen. 

"Oh my god, Harry?!" He helps Harry stand up and into his house. Louis laid him on his couch slowly as he cried out in pain. He quickly went into his bathroom and grabbed his first aid kit and went back to Harry who was laying on the couch with one arm over his eyes and the other over his stomach. Harry was breathing a little heavily and at the same time Louis' heart broke but he was happy that he was here.

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