Just let me adore you (Again)

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N/A: Okay, so this is a request by @AnnaPark041 and her request is the picture above, It is going to be a sad one until the end. I'm going to try and make it as long as possible so I hope you like it, and please let me know what you think. I'm also always open to suggestions just message me or put it on the request page in the comments.

Also in this story, they live in LA but they are still British

TW: Self-harm, alcohol, mentions of suicide, suicide attempt


Flashback: 2015 

"H-Harry, please I'll stop I-I promise, it's just been so hard since my s-sister d-died," Louis begged, Harry's eyebrows furrowed as his neck veins became more prominent, becoming angrier. "You lied to me, you said you would stop drinking. You told me you haven't drunk in a month, I'm fucking done with this shit, Louis. I gave you multiple chances at the start, and you were doing fine, you went to therapy, I thought you stop drinking! I trusted you!"

"P-Please, H-Harry. Give me another chance, I-I promise I-I'll stop this time. Please I-I need y-your help, I-I love you," Louis cried, dropping to his knees, his body weak from sobbing, and breathing heavily. Harry shook his head, "You don't love me because if you truly did love me, you would've stopped the first time! I gave you chance after chance, I'm done, We're done!" 

Harry grabbed his suitcase and started walking toward the door, Louis got up and held onto him. "P-Please don't l-leave," Harry pushed Louis off of him making the smaller fall onto his bum, "No! Goodbye Louis, do not try to contact me, we are done, for good!"  he yelled before slamming the door shut behind him. "No!" Louis screamed out as he sobbed louder, he tried getting up to run after him, but he couldn't, his body was too weak from all the crying.

Louis sat against the wall as he sobbed, knees tucked to his chest, his head on his knees as he rocked gently back and forth mumbling incoherent sentences to himself. 


It was the next morning and Louis didn't want to get out of bed, he missed the smell of breakfast cooking in the kitchen as he heard Harry singing quietly to himself. After ten minutes of laying there, he finally got out of bed and went to the kitchen, grabbing all the alcohol bottles and pouring the liquid down the drain. Once all the alcohol was gone he grabbed a bottle and smashed it against the floor, he let out a sob as he grabbed another bottle smashing it.

You deserve a punishment

That thought kept running through his head as he smashed the bottles against the floor. After a few more minutes, he gave in by grabbing a piece of the sharp glass and taking it to his arm before making slice after slice on his arm, he let out a sigh, it hurt but it was a good pain that took away from the pain he felt in his heart.


"W-What? No, p-please tell me you're lying," the doctor shook his head, "I'm sorry, but I'm not lying, she fought very hard, she was a strong woman, but your mother lost her fight to cancer this morning," Louis fell to his knees, "N-No, why? Why her? they should have taken me," he cried.

The doctor, left the room to give him some privacy, Louis sobbed for what seemed like hours before leaving the hospital and going home.

Once he was home, he ran to his room grabbed a razor, and broke it apart before taking the blade out of it and cutting up his arm. "Why couldn't it have been me? I don't deserve to be here, she does," 

Flashback over:



Louis was sitting on his couch, watching TV, and before he changed the channel, Harry's face popped up on the screen. The news channel said that Harry was going to be performing in LA, the older still hasn't talked to Harry, but he still misses him, he still loves him. He didn't know what he was doing, but he was putting his shoes on and grabbed his keys.

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