Let Me Be Your Dream Catcher

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N/A: Okay not really sure where this one is going but I hope you like it

Harry and Louis are roommates, they're best friends, who don't realize their feelings toward each other. Harry keeps getting this nightmare that always wakes him up from his sleep but he won't tell Louis what the nightmare is about. One night Louis wakes up to Harry's scream, he goes into the room and hears something that makes him realize that the younger likes him too.


"Harry it's been two weeks; you looked bloody terrible, what's going on Haribo?" It was 11: 30 in the morning when Harry finally got up, Louis has already been up for two hours. It wasn't until two weeks ago that Louis was up before Harry, he thought the younger went to the gym for an early workout, later scaring the shit out of him when he plopped onto the couch in his pajamas at noon.

"It's just a nightmare that I keep having, I'll be fine, it will go away eventually," Louis sighed before placing his hand on top of Harry's. "Bebz, I'm worried about you. You're not acting like yourself anymore, you wake up way later than usual, and you haven't been going to the gym for the last two weeks, which I honestly don't mind because I'm not too fond of the smell of sweat," Harry let out a small chuckle as Louis continued, "and you're starting to lash out at me. You used to rarely if not never lash out at me,"

"I'm sorry, Lou, I promise you I don't mean it when I get mad at you, I honestly don't. I've slept like shit for two weeks and I just want a peaceful night of sleep," he breathed out as he put his head on the table. "Maybe it's your new diet?" Louis questioned, "You have been eating a lot more red meat than you used to," Harry shrugged, "Maybe, I'm just so tired,"

"Have you tried melatonin?" Harry shook his head, "No," Louis combed his finger's through the taller's long curly hair, "Maybe try that tonight?" Harry nodded softly. "Haz, I was able to make some pancakes, and I didn't burn them, do you want some?" the younger laughed and nodded again, "Sure,"

Louis smiled and got a plate from the cabinet before putting two pancakes on it along with whipped cream and sliced strawberries. He did whip cream for the eyes and used the sliced strawberries to make the mouth before placing it in front of Harry, the green-eyed man lifted his head and smiled as he chuckled softly, "Thanks, Boobear, you always know how to make me smile, even if I don't want to,"

Louis smiled and turned away with a slight blush, "Always, Hazza, always," he grabbed two mugs and put a tea bag in it each before filling them with hot water. After a minute or two, he took the tea bags out of the cups, tossing them before adding a splash of milk into his and Harry's mugs, then putting a bit of sugar in the taller's before stirring it.

"Here," Harry smiled, "Thanks, Boo," he took a sip of the hot beverage before letting out a content sigh. "You know how to make the best tea, Lou," the older smiled at him, "Thanks, Haribo,"


Harry was in his room, he just got out of the shower, and he had a pair of sweats on when Louis knocked on the door. "Come in," he called out, Louis walked in with a cup of camomile tea in his hands. "Here, I made you some camomile tea to help you," Harry smiled, "Thanks, Lou, you're the best," he told him as he hugged the smaller, being careful to not spill the tea on him.

"Don't forget to take some melatonin before you go to bed," Louis told him, "I won't I promise, thanks, Boobear," Louis smiled, "Get some sleep, Hazza," the taller let out a soft sigh, "I'll try,"


Louis shot up in his bed when he heard a scream from Harry's room, he got out of bed and quickly ran into the younger's room. He saw the taller tossing and turning in his bed, even from the door, Louis could tell the boy was sweating like crazy, his face was red the duvet was clenched in his fists as he mumbled incoherent words, but Harry was still asleep.

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