Beach Boy

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N/A: Okay so a little backstory; Harry came out to his family when he was 16 and they didn't approve and they kicked him out and now he lives with Liam and Niall (And we're just gonna say that Liam and Niall are both 19).

TW: Homophobic slur


Harry was with his friends Niall and Liam at the beach to celebrate his 17th birthday...


"Harry, stop staring at him, he's gonna notice," Niall told him as they sat on the beach eating their ice cream. Harry sighed, "But, he's so pretty," Niall rolled his eyes, "Why don't you go talk to him, what if he thinks you're cute too?"

Harry was still staring at the boy, he was in a wet suit and was holding a surfboard with one hand, and Harry was definitely not staring at the boy's ass. The boy was talking to a few people he was standing with, and another boy leaned in closer and whispered something into his ear. The boy looked directly at Harry, making eye contact with him for a split second before Harry looked away with bright red cheeks as he bit his lip.

Harry looked back up toward the boy to see him still staring, he smiled slightly at Harry which made him blush even more as he looked back down. "Told'ya he would notice," Niall said with a laugh, Liam smacked his arm, "Shut up, Ni," he murmured, Niall rubbed his arm, "That hurt," Liam shook his head, "You are such a baby some times, Niall," Niall pouted.

Harry quickly stood up, "I'm gonna get another ice cream, do you guys want one?" Niall nodded, "Chocolate, please" he smiled, "I'm good," Liam said as he shook his head. Harry stood up and started walking backward before turning around, but when he turned around he crashed into somebody, making them both fall over.

"Oops," Harry mumbled.


Harry looked to see the surfer boy, "Shit, I-I'm so s-sorry," Harry blurted out as the boy got up, the boy stuck out his hands, "It's alright, don't worry about it," Harry cautiously took his hands and the boy pulled him up. "I'm Louis by the way," Harry smiled shyly, "I'm Harry," Louis smiled, "I was just about to go get some ice cream, would you like to join me?" Harry's cheeks were bright red as he nodded, "I was just about to go there myself," he giggled softly, and Louis smiled. 

Harry stayed quiet as they started walking, but Louis didn't like the silence, "So, do you come to the beach often?" Harry shrugged, "Not really, I came today for my birthday," Louis smiled, "So today is your birthday?" Harry nodded, "How old are you?" he asked, "Seventeen," Louis nodded, "You're only a year younger than me," 

Harry smiled, "so do you come to the beach a lot?" Louis nodded, "Yeah I like to surf," Harry played with his hands, "I've always wanted to surf, but I never learned how," Louis smiled, "How about I teach you sometime?" Harry blushed and nodded slightly, "Sure, that seems fun," 

After they exchanged numbers Louis said goodbye and went back to his friends, Harry went back to Niall and Liam, he was a giggling mess. "What are you so giggly about?" Liam asked, "That boy, he said he would teach me how to surf and he gave me his number," Harry blushed as he continued talking.


"Are you ready for your first surf lesson?" Louis asked him, it's been a week since the exchanged number, and Harry was honestly a nervous wreck. He nodded, "Yeah, I'm a little nervous though," Louis chuckled softly, "I'm sure you'll do great," Harry smiled with a blush on his cheeks. 

"Okay, so first, before we get in the water I want to show you how you're supposed to get up and stand on the board," Louis let the surfboard drop onto the sand and laid down on his stomach. "Okay, so once to swim out far enough, you have to hop to your feet like this," he jumped up to his feet and stayed crouched down, "And then you carefully stand up," he showed him how to carefully stand. "And make sure you bend your knees slightly," Harry nodded as he nervously bit his lip.

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