Jiheon - Coming Home

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I was waiting for you

It was late at night, lonely in the streets, but waiting for someone. Your shoes stepped the wet leaves, glistening a wiggly pattern of lights on the cement, and guiding you back home. The wind was cold, you forgot your coat, bad decision, but the thought of her was enough to warm you, at least enough to walk. The front of your building was gray and dull, but a small pot of orange poppies decorated the door frame, beside the welcome mat. You didn't need to water them today, they were already relaxed with nature's gift.

After cleaning your shoes, you entered the front door and walked up the stairs to your apartment. You opened the door.

The room was quiet, only the sound of the cars bleaching through the walls could be heard. You remained still for a moment, awaiting for a voice, instead you heard soft snores far away. You walked down the hallway to see Jiheon sleeping calmly in her bed, your bed. She was wrapped around your pillow, small and vulnerable like a little bear. Her face was serene, the corners of her mouth ever so slightly curved up. You softly brushed her hair and went back outside.

She had already eaten, and there were piles of dishes and pans in the sink. You told her before you would've come late. But she wasn't much of a foodie, she ate very little and was probably hungry right now. There were a couple packs of instant noodles in the kitchen cupboards, they would be fine.

Jiheon was rolling around, lost in her dreams. She went from one side of the bed to the other, losing the pillow. Her hands instinctively went around, searching for something but finding nothing, they curled to her body. Feeling empty, she slowly opened her eyes and looked around. Where is he? Was it already morning? The window lit the bedroom and the room. She was expecting the sun but the light came from the moon.

Rolling down her bed, Jiheon raised her ears and heard some rustling in the kitchen and the sound of boiling water. She grinned and slid to the floor, before standing up and sneaking out the hallway.

There she saw you, the sun she was expecting. Jiheon smiled and walked to you. She wrapped her arms around your waist and pressed her chest to your back. You felt her touch and caressed her arms, letting her hold you.

"I missed you," you said. Jiheon squeezed your body, far snugglier than your sweater.

"You say that but I had to wait for you all day," Jiheon mumbled into your back, gripping it with a firm hold.

"I'm sorry. I really wanted to see you too." You turned around and saw a small Jiheon still wrapped under you. She slightly loosened her hold, taking a small step back, and went on her toes trying to reach something on your head. Jiheon perked her lips and extended all her height, only to come back down, sulking at you.

You giggled, "What were you doing?"

"It's not my fault you're so tall," she groaned, pouting. "I can't give you a forehead kiss."

You laughed and quickly pecked her head.

"What are you doing?" Jiheon hissed. "I have to do it. Come down! I have to kiss you!" Her hand went over your neck and she pulled your head toward her, dragging you down - If I can't go up, you're going down with me. Your knees bent until you were looking straight at her. Then she kissed your forehead, and again, and another time. Jiheon smiled widely, finally satisfied.

"See? It wasn't that hard," she said, beaming, you couldn't see her eyes anymore from her large grin.

"Yeah, right," you mumbled and turned around to the counter. You were blushing. There was something with her, usually she was pretty quiet, now she got very flirty. Or maybe it was you that was too weak for her. You finally cooled down, focusing on the stove, and said, "Let me serve these noodles."

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