Wonyoung - Mine alone

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Trigger warning: alleged murder, mentions of blood, kidnapping, drugging, gaslighting, mental manipulation

You'll learn to love me


Soft breeze of Seoul, sweet sounding song of air, and beautiful weather. It was a good day for going out, to breathe in nature and hang out with people. That's what you were doing in fact. You entered the café near the crossroad of the Big Center, that's how people called the place near the entertainment companies. Inside, there was your friend already waiting for you. He had short hair, a cold look, but a sweet smile.

"Hey, Jongho," you greeted him. He noticed your voice and turned around, to get up and hug you.

"Bro, it's been a while, isn't it?" he said, smiling. "I heard you're trying to become a manager, so how is it going?"

"Ah, about that," you started. The mention of it brought a frown to your face, but you laughed about it. "The companies keep rejecting me. But it's weird because the first time, they sound interested and want to keep me for them and then, the time they recall me, I fail."

"That's very weird."

"I know. It happened four times now. There must be something wrong."

"There is no point in pondering about now. You should keep trying. Let's get your mind off a bit," said Jongho, sipping his coffee. The waiter came by and asked for your order. You wanted a latte, without any flavor, it would be fine for such a day.

You and your friend caught up with each other. His life as an idol was way more interesting than your job interviews, so he talked a lot more. The clock ticked, the people walked inside and outside, your cups emptied and so did the topics of your chat. The weather was still nice, but it slightly darkened.

"Well, I'll be going now," said Jongho as he made his way to the counter to pay. "Let's go."

You followed him outside the café but something caught your eyes. A woman, slim and tall, long hair, fine features, plump lips, a fragrance of lavender hit you. And then she was gone. She looked familiar, in the way she walked, in the glimpse of her eyes that you saw. But they were chilling, big eyes, but dead.

"Do you need something?" asked Jongho.

"No, nothing," you brushed it off. "I thought I saw someone but I got it wrong."


As you walked through the streets, you couldn't help but notice the gigantic screens on top of the buildings, advertising everything from cosmetics to music and movies. Then you saw that face, those eyes. "Jongho," you called him.


"Who is she?" you pointed at the building.

"Oh, that's Wonyoung. She's an idol and a model. From Ive, if I remember correctly," he said, raising his eyes, he puckered his lips as if expecting some kind of reaction from you. "Do you know her?"

"No, I don't," you lied.


Another day, another rejection. You walked out of the umpteenth entertainment company that rejected you. It had the same pattern, the same answer, the same events. It looked like a time loop. Now you were shooting for the less famous companies, they were almost unknown but still didn't want you. It wasn't like they had much choice, didn't they? Then why would they kick you out like that?

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