Adora - As the season leaves, she came back

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She's truly adorable

It was the time leaves started to fall, leaving a pleasant crunch on the ground and a distinct smell near the trees. It was a bit chilly, enough to stay in a t-shirt and not too much to stay comfortable in a warm sweater. The semester started a while ago, and the teacher wasn't unbearable yet, still cracking a couple of jokes with the students and feeling like some sort of distant friend. But the homework wasn't so gentle and your math professor decided that your afternoon was worth sacrificing for ten pages worth of exercises. "You didn't do much this summer," he said, feeling like he was saving you from failure, "so I will give you a good stash to refresh your memory." It wouldn't be a bad afternoon if it wasn't that you were alone in your feat.

It had been almost two months that your room was left empty, with only your weak presence, and the old memory of a very loud girl. It that wasn't her fault. She had better stuff to do and she still came back to pay you a visit every once in a while. But leaving you could only make you realize how much you needed her.

"If only you knew..." you whispered, with your face buried into your arms. Even the hot tea on your desk carried some sort of memory with it, the same sweet smell the house was filled with when she made her favorite drink.

"I promise you will love it!" she told you enthusiastically. That's how it started. And it did become your favorite drink, more of the flavor, for the warmth deep inside your chest when you drank it. Familiar and nostalgic.

You sighed.

"You know I'm just one call away, right? Always," she promised you two months ago but the days went by without a single mention of her. Of course, calling her meant that you would only miss her more. You wondered if she felt the same way. It was a stupid thought.

If she did, she'd call you. But you haven't heard from her for the last month.

You got off your desk and went to brew yourself another cup. It was already evening and you were almost done with the homework. It was only ten more exercises, the last three being the hardest but let's think about the other seven first.

As you were pouring the water into the pot, you heard some rustling coming from the front door. It was a key. You flinched from surprise and stared at the door, some hope rising inside you. There was only one person that had the key to your house.

It opened.

You saw neon pink hair coming into the living room.

The door cricked. You could almost see the smile behind it and the smile forming on your face. She finally stepped inside, turned around and her eyes met yours. You ran to her and hugged her deeply. She didn't say anything but only tightened the arms around you for all the days you missed. It was like the seasons changed into a colorful sprint and a joyous feeling followed while you buried your face into your neck.

Her feet dropped back, to stay upright and continue. Her hand clenched behind your back, gripping tightly the fabric and twisting it between her hand. It was like your hearts fired back up.

"Soo Hyun..." you whispered into the fabric of her oversized sweater, "you don't know how much I missed you."

"And you don't know how much I waited for this day," she replied. You slowly backed away and looked at her. You cupped her cheeks, her smile between your hands, the joy of your life. Soo Hyun was holding on to your neck, the point of her feet off the floor. You got lost in her eyes and so did she. It was an exchange of longing stares and old memories.

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