Chaehyun - Handcuffed

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You knew this was coming...

Requested by Leafo

At the end of the day, everything was done, everything was where it was supposed to be, no one bothered you and you could finally relax. Laying on your bed, the world seemed to finally slow down, now that the sky was dark and the lights came out from the windows. Your girlfriend came home as well some time ago. She was cheerful as always but awfully quiet. That bothered you. "Oh, it's nothing, just a little tired," she would tell you. But even with the toughest of days, she would usually tell you her day so something was off.

The bed comfortably wrapped you but uncomfortably you laid there, thinking about her. As your mind wandered into the past memories to find something that might have upset her. The reason.

Suddenly, Chaehyun entered the room, with a metallic clang. You turned around and smiled at her, "Hi, Chaehyun, going to...?" Then your smile faded as you saw what she was holding in her hand. And you found the reason.


"I took care of everything," she started, a devilish smug plastered all over her face. "Really. You don't have to get up at all."

You gulped. This won't go well. You quickly thought of some excuse and said, "I have some work I have to do actually... it's uhm... on my computer."

"I know, but you don't have to start right this minute. We finally have a night with some free time," Chaehyun voiced. Her tone was flirty but also serious and assertive, she gave you a choice, one.

"And what are we going to do?" you asked, hopefully. "What is that you're holding...?"

"Oh dear. It seems like you saw it. Well, then..." Chaehyun stepped on your bed, your territory, and suddenly your space and safety were attacked. You tried to step back, but one of her strides, where three of yours. "How about this?" she asked, jangling the handcuffs in front of your eyes.

"You aren't going to tie me anywhere, right?" your voice trembled. Chaehyun was in front of the door, between you and your salvation, but she was fast. The only other way was the window.

"That's right, I'm collecting on my bet. You remember..."

"No," you interrupted her. Knowing damn well what she was talking about. Worst mistake of your life, betting a favor against Chaehyun in a game of poker with you completely passed out from alcohol.

"Uh-huh. Did you think I forgot?" Chaehyun hissed. "Ha! Oh no, when I win a favor in a card game, you know I'm going to collect on it."

"I don't remember agreeing to any of this," you stuttered but she only got closer, her hand sinking into the bed and leading you into her. "And where does this even come from?"

"Yes. You agreed to the handcuffs." She tried remembering. "About the handcuffs... I saw Yujin and Xiaoting unnie do it a while ago and I wanted to try it." You were terrified. "You knew this was coming... sometime. So how about now?" Chaehyun said, her voice becoming more and more teasing. "Come on... you said I was going to have a chance to be in charge. So...?"

"No let's not do that okay? It doesn't sound like a good idea," you blurted out, your body trembling in fear.

"Mmm, good, I like it when you are scared." Chaehyun kissed you. You knew it was bad but you couldn't resist her lips. "I know just what I want. Trust me. Give me that wrist..." The cold handcuffs tied you to the bed, hands up and eyes down you couldn't do anything else.

"Now. I need to rest my head somewhere comfortable... and get warm again. So I've decided you're going to be my pillow. For now, that's your job," Chaehyun said. Ironic coming from her, the human pillow, she was soft from head to toe.

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