Jiheon - Last minute birthday

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It was 00:34 and everyone was sleeping. Everyone but Jiheon. She was on her phone, trying to call her boyfriend who wasn't answering at all. It was her birthday today. So why weren't you answering any of her calls? It's been 24 hours, she started calling you in the morning—deciding that waking you up at 3 AM was acceptable since it was her day—but you didn't answer, and it was understandable, the problem was that you did not answer even one of the 29 following calls.

To be honest, Jiheon didn't know if she should've been mad or worried but when it was her phone that rang, and you were calling now, she settled with mad. Jiheon sighs angrily and rolls her eyes, she snuggles into her bedsheets and answers the phone.

"What?" she says drily.

"30 missed calls? Were you trying to set a record?" you softly chuckle on the other end.

Jiheon did not find it funny. You were wholeheartedly laughing while she was worried sick and just fuming mad. Jiheon scoffs. Unbelievable. "Are you serious right now?" she asks, glaring at her phone. If your face was on the screen she would've slapped it.

"Huh? What's wrong?" you reply.

"What's wrong?" Jiheon slowly repeats emphasizing every letter. "What's wrong is that you barely spoke to me for the past week—which I can understand—but now, when you do, it's so dry as if I'm actually bothering you. That's right? I am a bother."

"Jiheon, no, no," you rush to correct her. "It's just that I've been so busy all week."

"No. It isn't that. I know you're always busy but when you'd reply late, you'd do it with a long-ass message but now—now, you can't even reply with three letters."

"Honie, not now," you groan.

"And yesterday, you ghosted me! You didn't even read my messages. We talked about this already. That's wrong. I don't care how big your problem is, just tell me, dump it on me," she says with frustration.

"I know, I know... Heonie, please, just—"

"No." Jiheon ignores you. "And don't tell me you actually forgot what day it is today."

"Uhh, Monday," you say. "Jiheon, please. I'm sorry. Whatever it is, I'm sorry. I—It's just... It's not a good day today, okay?"

Jiheon huffs and lets her head fall into the bed. She couldn't help it. "Today's the worst," she agrees with you for once. "So tell me..." she starts, "What are you mad about today?"

You sigh and slump against the cold plastic wall of the station. "My bus got delayed and now, my girlfriend's mad at me," you uttered. Jiheon, at those words, softens.

"Bus?" Jiheon asks and you hum. "To where?"

"To my girlfriend," you answer. "It's her birthday."

Jiheon jumps out of her bed. She doesn't even change clothes and just grabs her coat. "Where are you?" she asks as she rushes to the living room to grab her keys and purse. She runs down the stairs and out to the cold. Her breath fogs the air while she confirms your location. To her, and your, luck, you're just twenty minutes away from her.

She drives and quickly finds you in a lonely bus station under a semi-broken lamp. There you were, with a cake box between your arm and chest while you were holding your phone between your neck. You smile when you recognize her behind the car window.

Jiheon parks in front of the cubicle and runs to you.

You smile and put your phone away. Jiheon smiles as well but tears stream down her face while she hugs you tight. You hug her back and clean her tears with your thumbs. You chuckle softly. "What has gotten into you?"

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