Jisun - Stress Reliever

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You're my favorite

What hour is it? You didn't know. You didn't care either, what you needed to know is when 7 am will be so you can go to the campus and take that damn lecture. Actually, when was the last time you got more than three hours of sleep? It feels like you're dying in here, between your books, and all of your friends are studying as well, suffering like you. Suffering is temporary, they said. Engineering has a lot of job opportunities, they said. Well, that's if you survive.

"Oh, hey there," you heard behind you. It was a very familiar voice. "What are you still doing? It's, like, 3 am." Oh, so that's the time. You still got four hours. You raised your head from the block of text on your head. You must've fallen asleep while studying. Behind you was... an angel?

"Oh, Jisun. What are you doing here?" you asked, still figuring out your words. She should be sleeping at this time. You were worried for her.

"What am I— I asked you first," Jisun pouted at you. She put her arms on her hips and stared at you, like an angry customer.

"Oh, well, I was studying for my finals."

"What? But finals aren't for another two weeks. I know you work very hard, but seriously," she said with a stern tone. She was scolding you. Her smoky thin eyes scrunched up and you couldn't see them anymore. It was one trait of hers that you loved so much, her beautiful eyes.

"But I have a lot of stuff to study..." you said.

"Isn't it a little early to start with the all-night cram sessions?"

"Well, chemistry is really hard."

"No, I know chemistry is really hard. I'm taking it too, remember? I'm literally in the class with you."

"Maybe it would be easier if you actually went to the lectures, Jisun," you puffed under your breath. She only came like twice a month, she went to all the other classes but skipped the ones that she didn't like. It was easy that way.

"Yeah, well, you go to all the lectures. Seems like it's impossible either way. At least I get to sleep in, in my comfy bed, instead of dragging my ass to a dusty old lecture hall every Monday and Wednesday morning, only to doze off when the professor starts mumbling."

"Well, you would learn more instead of stealing my notes all the time," you complained.

"Yes, yes, and I have you," she stopped you. "Hey. Joking aside, I really do appreciate you always sharing your notes with me and going over all the practice problems. You know I'm no good at chemistry, and I don't know what I'd do without you."

Jisun went to your side and hugged your back. Just then, you felt even more sleepy, battling between sleeping and feeling her. But reality was better than dreaming right now. It was like hugging yourself, she knew perfectly how you liked it, the position, the pressure. She brushed your cheek and whispered into your ear, "So, uh, what are you studying right now?"

"Aromatic compound..." you mumbled, falling back into her sweater. Her arms were around your chest, it felt like you were already in your bed, wrapped in Jisun.

"Shit. Is that from today's lecture, because I haven't looked at your notes yet—"

"Last week?! No, you definitely didn't go over aromatic compounds with me. Guess I need to find a new tutor, huh? If you can't live up to—" Is she leaving you? Your world was already tragic with her, and she was your only comfort and hope -  if she were to leave you...

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