Lia - Love In The Summer

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What will we be in ten years?

It was a hot summer night, you couldn't sleep at all. Your bed looked like a mass of lava and magma, and the floor was the only thing that was somewhat cool. If you could, you would spend the night closed in your fridge but there wasn't enough space. All of the windows were open to let the weak breeze inside, but it still felt like being in a closed box.

"Ahh! I can't sleep!" you heard coming from the hallway, followed by a loud whine and the sound of kicking on the bed. "It's so damn hot in here!"

"I can't sleep either, Lia," you replied, not moving a centimeter from your spot on the living room's floor. It was hard and uncomfortable, but at least you wouldn't die from heatstroke. Some rustling later, Lia came out of her room. She was a mess, hair all over the place, crumbled shorts, and a grubby shirt.

"Let me get some water," Lia sighed. She walked over to your lifeless body and you grabbed her ankle.  Lia flinched at your warm hand.

"What are you doing?"

"Can you get me water too?" you pleaded her. 

"Fine. At least get up though." Lia squatted and opened the fridge. For a moment she remained there and put her head inside. "So fresh..." she murmured to the fruit. Lia sighed, grabbed two small bottles of water, and closed the door. She threw one on your head and kept hers.

"Ow!" you groaned. "Was it necessary?"

"You didn't get up," Lia responded nonchalantly, sipping at the cold water. Her body temperature went down by a degree, the fluid was giving her life again, cooling her insides and her head. 

Lia did indeed have those moments living with you. She was a goofball of cuteness, but sometimes her savage side took over and she loved to make fun of you. Not that you complained, you loved her for that, and she reserved you this part of hers. 

Suddenly, the wind hit the wall of your house, you felt a second of air on your skin, nature teasing you. Your head flopped down to the floor again. "It looks like the weather will stay like this for the whole month."

"I hate summer!" Lia exclaimed, bending over to the ground, clamping her head between her hands. "The whole world is against us! I came to spend a fun summer with my boyfriend and everything is going wrong. I'm drenched in sweat and my hair keeps messing itself up..."

"Don't worry, Lia, I love you the way you are," you reassured her, truthfully. You knew her for so long, it was exactly those moments that pulled you closer to her. She was so human, so similar to you, and so enchanting at the same time. "You're cute no matter what."

"Of course I am," Lia bragged, swaying her hair.

"Wait, I have an idea," you started. Getting off the floor, you walked to the balcony and went outside. Strong wind hit you violently, moving your hair and clothes. You grinned enthusiastically. The city was so quiet, the city lights were the only thing that illuminated the streets, together with the moon.

"How about we lay here outside?" you suggested. 

Lia's eyes bolted up, like a cat, they glowed. "That's a good idea!"

"Let me get something to lay on..." you walked to your room. You scanned it. Looking at your pictures together with her, they made you smile every time, the plushies she liked to keep around, the stickers on her wardrobe, and the thin mattress in the corner. It was one of those used for camping. You planned to go camping at the lake two weeks from now but it would be just fine now.

You got out to see Lia already laying out on the bricks of the balcony. 

"Come on, it's dirty!" you scolded her. You got her up, she lazily stood there, while you patted her shirt clean.

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