Jinsoul - Let's get out of here

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Alcohol in an old plastic cup wasn't the best, it didn't taste good, and you would have surely preferred a fruit juice, but nobody at this party drank it for the taste anyway. You kept on drinking, tilting your head back to get the last drops out of your red cup. You tried not to drink too much and be responsible but looking around, you couldn't see any water at all so you swallowed the rest of your beer-flavored saliva.

You leaned against the wall and scanned the room for the 10th time this night. You didn't know whose house this was. You only knew it was a house. You weren't the type of person to come to parties but when Jinsoul begged you to go with those puppy eyes, you couldn't resist and left without asking many questions. You didn't even change your clothes after your part-time and just hopped in your car with your very excited best friend and drove off.

The music was too loud in your ears, the drums hit in your chest and the bass vibrated throughout all your body. The lights were low so you couldn't avoid stepping on every kind of litter on the floor, sometimes even people. Everyone kept bumping into you while they were dancing, pushing you left and right.

You kept walking straight through the herd of dancers until a girl bumped you harder than anyone else and looked you in the eyes. To your surprise, it was Jinsoul, with shaky legs and a half-filled cup.

"Oh, there you are. I've been looking for you," she mumbled. Jinsould held onto one of your hands and with a yelp started moving wildly around you, taking you around the room. She reeked of alcohol, and so you did, but you knew for a fact she drank almost five times as much.

"You're making me dizzy, stop it," you complained, holding onto her shoulder to not fall into some stranger.

"Man, you gotta relax a little, you're too stiff," she laughed and started jumping around as if the music seeped into her veins, her hair bouncing into your face and arms at every movement. Blinded and deafened, you were at the mercy of Jinsoul.

"No, you're too loose... Stop it, please."

You didn't know for how long you stayed in the house, there wasn't a clock but it had gotten dark. It was starting to feel way too cramped in that place, a lot more guests arrived and you desperately needed fresh air.

When Jinsoul's energy ended, she slumped on you. Your best friend's body was like a bag of potatoes, she couldn't stand straight anymore and was all over you. "Where have you been?" Jinsoul murmured into your shoulder.

"I was telling Chuu not to jump into the pool."

"Huh? Oh, why did you have to keep," she hiccups, "Chuu from jumping into the pool?"

"Because we're on the second floor."

"Yeah, that makes sense. Chuu must be really drunk."

"Just as much as you are," you sighed.

"What, me? No, I'm not drunk. You know me. I don't drink. I always have one glass of wine for New Year's and Christmas and stuff. And sometimes I have a beer when people tell me that we should all have a beer like soccer and barbecue, you know, beer-drinking activities. But aside from that, I do not drink. And that's why I am not drunk."

"What about all the cups you had before? I saw you," you said and her eyes shot quickly to you, she rolled her lips in a displeased frown and shrugged her shoulders, "Oh yeah that."

Jinsoul leaned back onto the wall, her eyes nothing but black orbs in that dark room as she looked around up and down. "Oh yeah, I had a couple of drinks. These guys here keep pushing drinks on me," she started and you couldn't help but feel a weird feeling creeping up your neck.

"They were trying to get you drunk, huh? What a bunch of creeps."

"What? No no no no no no. Those people are really nice. They keep handing me drinks. I think they really like me," Jinsoul gushed in an incoherent ball of words. "We're friends now. I want to follow them on Twitter but I can't unlock my phone because my phone is on the password doesn't work."

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