Hanni - Umbrella Thief

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A series of unfortunate events leads you to share the same hotel room as your umbrella thief.

Why did you even agree to come to the school trip? You asked yourself. How did you get the splendid idea to join this little stupid event? The day had been nothing but rain, delayed transportation, closed museums, tasteless food, and now that it was... You put your hand in your pocket, stuck to your thigh, soaking wet from all the rain, and reached for the phone. Fortunately, it was still working. 12 pm.

The teachers failed to contact the bus and everyone had to walk back to the hotel, which was an hour away from the restaurant, and without an umbrella. Someone stole your umbrella. You left it near your bag as you went to the bathroom and when you came back, poof, it disappeared—just as it started to rain. Everyone was too worried about themselves and going back to the hotel, so you were forgotten and had to walk all the way under the pouring rain.

You sighed, for the nth time, and waited for the teachers to announce the pairings for the hotel rooms. As they started calling for everyone and seeing couple by couple leaving the reception, running in excitement to their little cove, you got impatient. You silently accepted that you'd be the last one. The problem was when they didn't call you at all.

"Excuse me, Miss Kim. What about my room?" you asked politely.

"Yeah, about that..." she started. She patted her head with an apologetic expression. "Someone made a mistaking while booking the room and you'll have to share it with someone from the other class that joined us."

"What do you mean someone made a mistake?"

"We actually were one room short. I just asked for the last room they got left," the teacher admitted. She took out the card to access your room and gave it to you. "I don't know who the other person was but, here you go."

You found your place by looking at the number on the sign beside the stairs. In front of your door was waiting an oddly familiar girl. Her height was average, her hair was black, and decorated her round face with straight bangs. Her clothes were baggy and looked to be trendy, new jeans and a big hoodie, and they were almost completely dry.

After looking at her enough, you realized you actually knew her name. Hanni Pham. She was your crush, what were the chances she'd be here to share the room with you? You couldn't absolutely give her any hints or make her realize you might've liked her.

"Hi, Hanni."

"Oh, hello, how do you know my name?" she replied with a raised eyebrow. Shoot. Think of an excuse, quick, say something.

"I mean, you must be Hanni, right? My teacher told me I'd be sharing my room with you, did she tell you?"

"Ah, that thing, yes. Well, good to meet you..."

You couldn't help but nervously glance at her—she was way prettier in person—and your cheeks got warmer, you felt embarrassed since you were dripping water all over the floor and she was in the same room as you. It was the most unluckiest encounter you could have hoped for. Your chances were thrown out the window at this point. The first time you got to have a proper conversation with her was when you looked your worst.

It's just a night, you repeat in your head. Just a night. Eight hours or something.

She swiped the card and let you both go inside.

Hanni smiled and joked with her vibrant joyful voice, "Damn, did Zeus have a grudge against you? You're drenched! Here, take this towel," she said.

"Actually," you started, recalling everything that happened before, "Can you believe it? Someone actually stole my umbrella!"

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