Yujin - Stay quiet

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You didn't think it would go that way when you accepted her confession. Sure, she was a great person, a lovable girl, and a great friend but no one told you about how needy she was. Yujin had been following you around all day like a lost puppy. Whether you'd go to the library, to the canteen, or to the newspaper club she'd be there beside you. Your classroom was the only place she didn't follow you to because she had her class, but if it wasn't for that, she'd be glued to you.

Yujin couldn't stand even two minutes of you not giving her attention and would always whine your name or tug on your shirt every damn second. You believed it was payback for the years you couldn't realize her feelings.

Yujin didn't study at school. No, she only needed to read the pages once and stay focused in class to remember everything. So, in return, she'd stay by your side between the piles of exercise booklets and school texts to watch you study.

You enjoyed her presence, having someone to talk with during your breaks and support you during the pain that was the school. Yujin would chat just about anything and you'd hear just about anything as long as it came from her. Sometimes she would hold your hand and you'd rub your thumbs together, just to let each other know you were there.

What made her the happiest was when you asked her for help. Sitting near you was nice but she felt useless, so when you asked for her knowledge she'd put on those glasses that she stole from Yuri and become your impromptu tutor.

"Leave everything to professor Yujin," she'd say with a mighty tone, "I'll turn you into the most brilliant student this school has ever seen." But you got just a B on the next test.

"It's my fault," she'd sob, curling herself into a ball from embarrassment and it'd be your turn to comfort her, patting her back and giving her little kisses. Forehead kisses, oh, she loved them so much. But loved giving them to you even more, to the point of your forehead turning red.

Because of her activities, you couldn't meet a lot if anything at all after school so she took every chance to find you. Yujin was really a lost puppy. You might have to find a pet rescue center for her at this point. Perhaps drop her off at the lost and found and pick her up at the end of the day.

"Honeyyy..." she started again. This time you were in the library, it was quite busy this time of the day, and Yujin was being way too loud.

"Shut up," you told her, putting a finger on her lips. She just pecked them and started tugging your shirt. She continued even when you turned around to go to the math section and followed you around the whole time. Ignoring doesn't work. You tried studying and not paying attention to her, the thing she was starving for, but that's the thing with her. She likes to work for it.

"Hey, can you hear me? Honey? Why are you ignoring me?" Yujin chanted. You felt your right eye twitch. You looked around to see the people stealing glances at you two.

"Stop studying please," she whined. "Pay attention to me, please. I'm lonely, I miss you..."

Her two fingers were playing with the corner of your jacket while her face was frowning in a precious pout, with her cheeks puffing out and her lips curling. You almost let a smile escape you.

"I'm literally sitting next to you, Yujin. Stop talking, this is a library."

"Can you please hold my hand, please? Or give me some pats? It'll quiet down, I promise." You look at her, her puppy eyes, and considered your options. You went for the latter.

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