Jihan - The Right One

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Why not me?

She probably wasn't the one, but no one is the one. You were laying on your bed and staring at the dark ceiling, the darkness of the room was wrapping around you in a nest of comfort. It hid everything you didn't want to see, everything you didn't want to hear or think about. A dark patronizing figure that hugs you in their chest and plugs your ears.

There wasn't a clock in that room, only your phone but you didn't pay attention to it, scrolling posts you only had eyes to the videos. Some of them were dance challenges, random videos of shows and movies that people gushed over in the comments, or moments of reality shows. The female voices stinged your ears, and their smiles melted in your eyes. The voice was loud, almost like it was right beside you...

"Hey! You in there?" you heard from the other side of the door. You immediately jumped up, leaving your phone to roll down the bed, and tiptoed to the door. "Come on, open up! You can't stay in your room all day," called the female voice. You put your head near the door and again she said, "Come on, open up. I just want to talk so please... open up."

You stood there for a moment until the voice formed an image in your head. Then you recognized her and opened the door. Her smile came in faster than the light of the hallway, but died down even faster after seeing you. Her neck stiffened as she took a step back.

"Here you are," she said, forcing a small smile.

"Jihan... What are you doing here? How did you get inside?" you asked. You would lie if you said you didn't want to see her, but this wasn't how you wanted her to see you.

"You gave me a spare key, don't you remember?" Jihan answered, taking it out of her purse, and then she said, "I'm here to check on you. Nobody has seen or heard from you for days."

You looked away and shoved one hand in your pocket while the other wandered behind your neck. Did she really come over here for you? Partially hidden in the room, you were scared of looking at her eyes. Already hurt, the last thing you wanted was to hurt her. This couldn't be happening.

"Hey, are you okay?" aked Jihan. "Did something happen?"

"No, nothing," you said. She knew the answer already, like everyone - everything is okay - but then no one would care less if the other answer was given. Jihan, however, was there for a reason.

"I can tell you're lying. Come on, we've been friends forever. You always told me what bothered you. You don't need to hold it in." You swallowed your saliva and stared at Jihan. Her eyes were waiting and her eyes ready to listen. But you didn't want to bother her any further.

"Really, nothing happened," you said and tried to say something else, "..." but no excuse came to your mind. "Yes, nothing."

"I'll bug you until you tell me!" she exclaimed, getting closer. Jihan raised her arm and poked your cheek. You flinched and stepped back and looked back only for her to do it again. And to your side. And poking your belly. Poke. Poke. Poke.

"Fine. I'll tell you," you surrendered. Jihan beamed and showed her dimples. It reassured you.

"Uhm... you remember the girl I was talking about? She found a boyfriend."

"Her?" Jihan recalled your past conversations and widened her eyes."Wait, she got a boyfriend? Since when?"

"Since two days ago."

"Oh, that's why. But you always hang out together."

"Not anymore."

"Right," Jihan said. She felt saddened but at the same time relieved by your answer. Jihan felt wrong for thinking so and quickly shook it off. "You deserve better. Don't worry."

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