Haruna - Scary, Scared

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Thunderstorms are kinda scary, aren't they?

Rain was pouring down in the night, the few lights illuminated streams of water, jets of lighting in the sky, and a deafening noise for the awakened. The sky rumbles and Zeus is at it again. But you can't be bothered; you need to get your eight hours of sleep in and a few droplets aren't enough to wake you up.

Your snores counter the thunders.

"Aah!" the girl whimpers, falling down. She scatters around into the room, more lights flash the room as she crawls to the bed.

"Hey..." Haruna sobs. She puts on the bed a leg first, not wanting to leave the floor, then her arm and pulls herself up to you. "Baby? Baby...?"

You can hear her voice and slowly open your eyes.

"What is it...?" you mumble. Another flash lightens the room, flashing Haruna's tearful face of terror. Haruna explodes in a desperate cry, clinching into you, and another thunder shakes the house.

"Huh? W- what? What happened?" you hold onto her and look around. Was the world ending? Are bombs falling? Home invasion? No... "Oh- hey, babe! Hey! it's okay, it's okay... breathe for me okay?"

Haruna sniffles and inhales a couple of shaky breaths. She tries to hold her tears in, but they escape their eyes, into your pajama.

"Good, good..."

"Hi...." Haruna whispers, trying to calm herself.

"You look like you've seen death or something," you say. "Look at me... look at me, okay?"

Haruna looks at you with those puppy eyes, shiny beautiful eyes, darkened by fear, a bit of embarrassment, and a bit of hope. You slowly bring your hands to her face, cupping her cheeks and wiping her tears off with your thumbs. Your palm strokes her soft skin.

"Are you okay? Look, sorry that I startled you, even more, it's just- You just kinda shocked me awake, you know? I was just confused. I'm sorry, okay?"

Haruna nods weakly and latches her arms to your waist. You raise your arms to give her space and pat her back instead. "There, see?" you let out a relieved sigh. "I'm right here with you. It's all good."

"Babe, I'm right here," you say again, just to make sure.

"I'm sorry for waking you up but uh..." Haruna tries to speak. The words block in the middle of her throat. She gulps them down and tries again, in vain, "But uh... uhm."

You smile at her and caress her back. "Alright well, since you won't tell me what's bothering you, I'll just tell you what I can... is... that okay?"

Haruna nods into your pajama.

"Whatever's bothering you, just... know that I'm right here next to you."

"I'm sorry..." she whimpers. The sound of the thunders was still in the background, fading only a little.

"Uhm- can you tell me what's up? Did you wake up from a nightmare or something? Or is it just the thunder...?"

Haruna opens her mouth, letting a choked sound out, only to pull it back in. She tries to tell you something but hides her face under your arm instead. You can only sigh and hug her. "Okay. I know you're wanting to tell me something... I can see it in your face... It looks like you're hiding it."

"I know you needed your rest tonight," Haruna speaks up. "But... but... could you hold me?"

"Oh. Of course," you say excitedly and shove her under the blanket. Haruna giggles and rolls into your warm cave of pillows and cover. The temperature in your bed raises to a comfortable fuzz, and both of you enjoy it, maybe a little more than you should. You can feel the presence of her through the fabric, it's almost invisible, between your skin. Your arms welcome her.

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