Hayoung - Impromptu Sleepover

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Valentine Special

Three hours and sixteen minutes.

That's how long you've been stealing glances back and forth between two lovers and your dream girl, in this small apartment that smells faintly like cherry and cookies and Hayoung's soft, delicious scent. And that's how long you two have been silent. Wholeheartedly silent.

You were sitting beside your best friend as you watched her softly lit face by the movie playing in the background. A cinema wasn't necessary when you already had the best seat, shoulder-to-shoulder with Hayoung. If you were looking at her every ten minutes, Hayoung was every eight, casually meeting your eyes at times and turning around to the screen like it was just by chance, flustered.

You did this a lot of times before but why was your heart beating so fast? You were sure she didn't notice how your cheeks flushed whenever her hands brushed against yours, whenever your shoulders touched, whenever your legs met, and whenever her star eyes lit up your dark pupils.

Actually, maybe she noticed—you swear you saw her grin when you jolted up from embarrassment at her face being too close to yours.

"I need to get some water," you said and run to the kitchen.

Hayoung lets herself fall on the warm spot you left on the couch and kept following the movie.

You bet she isn't even thinking about it.

You bet she doesn't care.

You bet you were the only one in distress, nervously fiddling with your fingers, sulking to the vintage notes of "The Portrait" while she's excitedly rooting for the two lovebirds to kiss, completely entranced.

What do girls even think about all the time?

What does she think about?

Food? Puppies? Songs?

Does Hayoung even fall in love? Or was it just the guy falling for her?

She might not have realized it, but maybe some other boy quietly took a liking to her and maybe, in the smallest chance, microscopic probability, unlikeliest percentage, she also—sort of—maybe liked him?

You shiver, wondering who that might have been. Wondering whether the crush she might not even have would be extraordinarily lucky or—

"It's so good, isn't it?"

You turn so fast, you feel a muscle pull. "What?"

"I can't believe you've never watched this movie before," she says.

"Oh, the movie you mean."

You massage your neck. She stares at you with glittering eyes.

"It's such a classic, I just... Well, I'm glad you decided to watch it with me, even though, you know, you didn't have much of a choice. It's all good, at least you can say that you've watched it now and people won't laugh at you."


"I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding."

You think she's biting the inside of her cheek to avoid bursting out laughing.

"I don't think I've had a Saturday night as lovely as this in so long. I know we went out last weekend but that was different, you know."

"The aquarium was really fascinating," you nod. "The dolphin show was really cool."

"Yeah, I had so much fun. I did have a great time but it wasn't lovely, you know."

"It's because you had to leave your home right?" You shake your head in disappointment. "And now because you're hibernated in your house, you're having so much more fun."

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