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Hi everyone !!!
Hope all are doing good !

I have a surprise for all ...

But before that ,

A month ago , I had put a message about starting an Instagram account for fanfictions , but many readers were not there on Instagram and above that , I had faced some security issues as well , so I had deleted tht account ....

But now , I have another surprise for you all ...

I have started a YOU TUBE channel , exclusively for SAIRAT FANS ..

I'll be posting sairat s happy , sad and romantic vm on this channel ..
Apart from that , I'll be even posting few clips of good  old episodes ...

I don't know about you all , but  , I enjoy a lot watching short clips of old episodes which are posted on Instagram ....
It feels good to review the old episode and also watch beautiful vms for this purpose and for those who are not on instagram , I thought of starting this you tube channel ...

The name of the channel is

I AM Putting THE link in the message box as well ....

I'll be starting posting from my birthday i.e. from 25th July ...

Till then , I hope to recieve your love by subscribing my channel !

Thankyou so much !

PS - link is posted on the message box as well ..
Pls subscribe my channel !

SAIRAT - ABSOLUTE BLISS (  PART 2 )Where stories live. Discover now