Do it again ****

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I know it's the first chapter but *smut warning*

"Edward Munson!," you shouted after him. "What the fuck was that about?!"

He tossed his hair in annoyance as he walked away from you while you chased after him. The field behind the school was much larger than you originally thought, and it led into a secluded, wooded area. Your legs tired quickly. "I don't know what you're talking about." Rage fueled you as you grabbed for his arm, pulling his jacket sleeve and forcing him around to face you. His jacket opened slightly, putting his Hellfire shirt on display. That only made you more angry, seeing as you'll never get one. Your gesture surprised him, but he still refused to meet your eyes.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about."

"Actually," he said, pursing his lips and turning his gaze to the sky as he crossed his arms. "I don't. You see, after I leave the school, my brain shuts off and turns into goo. Sorry."

You rolled your eyes. "You said I'm not a part of Hellfire!"

He furrowed his brows and shifted to look at the leaves he kicked with his foot. "Because you're not. I thought I was... perfectly clear on that." His voice trailed off until he was barely mumbling.

"Why? Because I'm a girl?"

He looked up at you through his dark lashes. "Exactly." He sounded disappointed.

You waited for him to add more to his response. When he didn't, you scoffed, "Fuck you, Eddie."

"Wish you would, sweetheart." A smirk played at the corner of his mouth. You stepped dangerously close to him, not breaking eye contact as you got toe-to-toe.

"You're sick," you spat in his face, turning away from him. You strode quickly as you walked, trying to come up with something smart to say so he knows he didn't win. You settled for insults. "You're so disgustingly misogynistic, saying I can't be part of Hellfire simply because I'm a girl. That's such Neanderthal logic. I thought you were better than that. No wonder nobody here wants you."

You must have touched a nerve, you heard his footsteps coming up behind you fast. "First of all, it wasn't an executive decision. The boys voted, they don't want a girl in the club. Not my fault. And second, nobody wants me? You're saying you don't even want me?" You spun around, and he nearly knocked into you. You could smell the leather of his jacket, and the type of cologne he wore. His eyes were wide with fury. In this moment, you realized just how attractive he was.

"Why would I?" You sneered at him. But his smirk returned.

"You're right," his tone was filled with venom. "You think you're too good for anyone at this school, or for anyone in this town, for that matter. You hang around with boys, but I bet you've never even let any of them slide their hand in your pants, huh?" Tears threatened to spill over. He noticed, but didn't stop. "Because you're-"

"Enough!" Your cheeks felt hot from embarrassment. Embarrassed at his betrayal, embarrassed at how close he was standing to you, and embarrassed that he was able to make you feel this way. Most of all, embarrassed by how turned on you had become by his intimidation. You needed to get your head together, he was insulting you. You were angry at him, you reminded yourself.

He loomed over you, his nostrils flaring as he huffed heavy breaths. "Because," he continued slowly, "you're.. a... prude-"

The word had barely fallen from his mouth when your palm collided with his cheek. A sharp smack filled the air, and you trembled as your hand came down by your side. You took a step back and watched him shake and turn to look at you.

To Eddie Munson: My Knight in Shining LeatherWhere stories live. Discover now