Calm before the storm

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The beeping of your alarm clock brought you to consciousness, quickly followed by the very loud sound of your lamp being knocked over. You opened your eyes to see it on the carpet, and Eddie's arm draped over your nightstand. "Eddie," you started to scold him, but then your door knob rattled.

"Are you okay? Y/n, what happened? Open the door!"

You shoved Eddie onto the floor, and he hit the carpet with a loud thud. You sprang from your bed, checking to make sure Eddie was hidden before unlocking and opening your door. "Hey, sorry. I, um, accidentally knocked over my lamp trying to turn my alarm off." You stepped aside so she could see your table. "And then I fell out of bed trying to get to the door."

Your mom looked at you skeptically, but she shook her head. "Okay, um, well I came in here to tell you I have to go to the work early this morning. Can you find a ride to school?"

"Yeah, absolutely. No problem." You tried to give her a reassuring look, but it only made her concern deepen.

"O-kay... I'm heading out then." She stepped away slowly, walking toward the door and putting her shoes on.

"Okay, I love you!"

"Love you too." You shut the door, leaning your back against it and releasing a sigh of relief.

"Edward Munson," you whisper-yelled.

"Sorry," he groaned, sitting up from the floor so you could see his face. "I don't have a lamp on my table." You watched him yawn and stretch, slowly standing up. "So that usually isn't an issue." His muscles flexed, and you felt your stomach twitch.

"It's fine, just... sorry." You wiped the tired from your eyes and walked over to him, pulling him into a hug. "Good morning."

"Mmm, morning." He wrapped his arms around you and squeezed gently. "What time is it?"

"6:30." His eyes shot open and he stepped away from you.

"You're kidding." He looked over at your clock, then flopped on your bed. "Wake me up at seven."

"No, Eddie, come on." You grabbed his hands and pulled him into a sitting position. "We have to shower."

"Together?" He winked at you.

"I mean," you felt your cheeks go red. "If you want to."

"Sweetheart, I'll take any excuse I can to see you naked." He stood up and gathered his clothes, waiting patiently for you to find yours in your dresser. When you had them, you walked out to make sure your mom was gone before beckoning to Eddie to follow you. You led the way to your bathroom, starting the shower and grabbing fresh towels. You stripped yourself of your pajama shirt, throwing it on top of Eddie's clothes, just in case. You stepped into the shower, allowing the hot water to soak your hair. Eddie stepped in behind you, cursing when the water touched his skin. "Ouch, shit! Why is it so hot?!"

"Probably because my shower actually works properly." You winked at him, trying to keep your eyes on his instead of roaming over his body. "I'll turn it down a little."

"Or a lot," he responded, not bothering to hide his expression as he took in your naked figure. You turned around and adjusted the knobs until the water was lukewarm, just how he liked it. You swapped places with him, squeezing some shampoo in your hair and massaging your scalp. You watched him through hooded eyelids as he let the water run down his face to his chest, and swallowed harshly before focusing on your task again. When it was time to rinse, you switched him places again and let the bubbles flow down your back as the shower stream ran over you. You stopped when you thought you heard a noise outside the bathroom. "What?" Eddie asked upon seeing your expression.

To Eddie Munson: My Knight in Shining LeatherWhere stories live. Discover now