Max's Curse

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The two of you woke up peacefully this morning, groaning softly before turning to face each other and opening your eyes. Eddie smiled at you, and you returned it.

"Hey," he whispered in his deep, sleepy voice.

"Hi," you responded. You brushed your fingers against his cheek, moving hair off of his face. His hand rested on your waist comfortingly.

"Ready for another day in paradise?" His eyes wavered with his sarcastic tone. You laid your palm across his cheek and caressed his cheekbone with your thumb.

"You know, if you, like, forget all of the bullshit outside of that door.." you couldn't help the smile that spread across your face, "it's like our own little... getaway." Eddie chuckled quietly and you slapped his arm. "No, seriously. Think about it, it's just you and me, alone, just like you wanted." You took Eddie's hand in yours, swinging your leg over his hip and laying your head on his chest like you did last night.

"Yeah, I just have to forget about the manhunt going on outside. Careful what you wish for, I guess." He sighed before kissing your forehead and pushing you off gently. He sat up and stretched, rocking the boat as he moved. "Listen, uh, if we're going to live in your little 'paradise fantasy'," you laughed at his use of air quotes. "The boat can be, like, our shitty little water bed."

"Totally." You laughed and sat up, bumping your shoulder against his. You leaned your head against it, watching your shadows dance on the wall of the boathouse. Your eyes wandered, looking for something to keep the both of you entertained. "I have an idea," you said, getting out of the boat uneasily and nearly sending Eddie into the water. "Sorry!"

Eddie gripped the sides of the boat and gave you an unimpressed look. "What's your idea?"

"We are going to play a game." You looked around for something, anything, that would work. You found a bucket and the raisins from the trail mix you had snacked on last night.

"Ew, are you going to eat those?" Eddie said with a sneer.

"Uh, no." You gathered them in your hand and sat on the box beneath the window. You tossed them in the direction of the bucket, Eddie watching you carefully.

"That's... that's the game?" That unimpressed look was back.

"Yes." You tossed another raisin, but missed.

"So it's a game... that you made up... and you suck at it." He slapped his knees and stood up, stepping out of the boat and walking over to you. He took some of the raisins from your hand and squatted next to you, making the first three he threw into the bucket. "Watch the master, sweetheart." He readied to throw another, but you bumped him. He looked at you over his shoulder with a half-smile that meant you were in trouble.

"Okay, you're cheating. You're sitting so much closer than me."

"Um, not really." But he sat on the box with you. When the last of the raisins had been thrown, you scurried over and picked them up, splitting them with Eddie again. You shared laughter and playful banter as you repeated the game, keeping score as your hands emptied. But there reached a point where it was clear Eddie was winning, so you ended the game.

"You're just a sore loser," Eddie teased, pushing you playfully.

"I still think you were cheating."

"Whatever," Eddie nudged you, smiling at you and standing up. "Don't look." He walked over to the back of the boathouse and started unbuckling his pants.

"Uh, what are you doing?!" You shielded your eyes, drowning out the sound of his urinating with your laughs.

"I have to pee, dude, and I'm not about to risk pissing my pants on the way to the house." His belt jingled as he re-buttoned his pants and tightened the belt around his hips. Suddenly, you felt the need to pee too.

To Eddie Munson: My Knight in Shining LeatherWhere stories live. Discover now