The appointment

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The next morning went as it usually did, and it felt less weird this time, waking up without Eddie. You woke up, did your pre-school routine, and then your mom dropped you off by the front door. "Have a good day at school," she said, squeezing your hand. "I'll be by around 10:30 to pick you up."

"Sounds good, mom, see you then." You gathered up your things and slung your backpack up your shoulder. You waved goodbye as she drove away. When you pulled the front door open, the cool air blasted your hair off of your face, showing everyone Eddie's vest that rested on your shoulders. You layered it with a band shirt of your own, its sleeves stopping just below your elbows. You also wore dark wash denim jeans that flared around your black Vans. It felt like all eyes were on you as you walked through the hallway to your locker. You saw Eddie waiting for you there, checking his watch before he noticed you approach.

"There's my girl," he checked you out, from head to toe. "Wow, you look hot." He took your hand in his and spun you around so he could get a full view of you.

"Thanks, you look pretty deadly yourself." He dressed in his usual attire, similar to what you wore today. He pulled you in by your waist, making you drop your backpack. "Eddie," you whispered, catching eyes of a few students that passed by.

"Yeah?" His lips tickled your ear.

"We're at school," you laughed, "control yourself."

"Yeah, Munson," sneered Steve. "Seriously dude, have some modesty." Eddie turned to look at him, without releasing his grip on you.

"Have a good weekend, Harrington?" Steve looked down, placing his hands on his hips and stuttering. You tried to silence your laugh, masking it by picking up your backpack and filling it with your textbooks. "So sorry I didn't call."

"I-I have no idea what you're- I mean, yeah but- I," he gave up. "Screw you, Eddie. I'm gonna go. See you later, y/n." And then he walked away. Eddie laughed before returning his attention to you.

"You better hurry, or you'll be late for class. I don't want your mom thinking I'm a bad influence on you or something."

"Actually, I don't think that would be possible." You walked your fingers up to his shoulder and rested your wrist over his neck. "She thinks I'm a good influence on you, so..."

"Ha ha," he laughed sarcastically, "as if." You pushed his shoulder and shut your locker, taking his hand and leading him toward your first class.

"I'm not joking." He caught up to you, swinging his arm around your neck and shooting daggers at anyone who stared at you.

"Yeah, well," he placed a small kiss to the side of your head, not breaking stride. "I guess she is kind of right."

"Really?" You looked at him with bewilderment.

"Yeah," he licked his lips nervously, "after seeing your reaction to me getting arrested at that party, I..." he looked down at the ground, then at you. "I tried to straighten out."

"Wow," you shook your head, "how long have you had a crush on me, Mister Munson?" You poked him in the ribs.

"How long do you think?" He looked at you suspiciously.

"I don't know, maybe six months?" You thought back to when you had to do a project together for your science class, it was the first time you guys really spent time together. "Remember when we had to do that stupid presentation?"

"Yeah," he laughed, "and we argued over everything."

"Literally everything." You joined him in laughter. You stopped walking when you reached a doorway.

To Eddie Munson: My Knight in Shining LeatherWhere stories live. Discover now