The last normal night ****

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****smut warning***

Eddie's hands were on you as soon as your front door was locked. He pinned you against the wall, forcing your wrists above your head as he kicked off his shoes. You kissed each other lustfully, obviously eager to finally have your house to yourselves. His jacket and vest slid off of his shoulders with ease, pooling into a heap of leather and denim on the floor. As soon as it was removed, his hands slid to your waist, digging his fingers into the spaces between your ribs. You placed yours in their usual spot: his hair. You gasped into his mouth when he pressed his hips to yours, his arousal straining against the fabric of his pants.

"How quiet-" he kissed you between your breaths. "- do I need to be?" A groan escaped your lips as he bit your neck.

"Just don't let the neighbors hear you." He kissed your throat, his hands wandering down to your thighs. You quickly removed your own shoes before he could separate your legs.

"Mmm," you moaned, "yes, sir." He pulled you up, wrapping your legs around his hips before slamming you against the wall again. You worried for a moment when you heard your moms decorations rattle, but you were quickly returned to the moment; Eddie was pushing your shirt off. You released your grip on him to allow it to be taken off, leaving you only in your bra and pants.

Your mouths continued to move against each other's as Eddie carried you down the hall to your room, his hands grabbing at whatever skin he could reach. You gathered the hem of his shirt in your hands, pulling it out from between your bodies and over his head. As soon as his skin was exposed, you pressed yourself against it, longing to feel his heat. He released a sigh through his nose, his grip on you tightening before letting go completely. You fell backwards onto your bed, but kept Eddie trapped between your legs. He smirked down at you before prying them apart. You watched as he sank to his knees, reaching forward and unbuttoning the top of your jeans. You felt your chest rise and fall heavily as he drew out his actions. He pulled them off teasingly, caressing your skin with his fingertips as he uncovered more.

"Eddie," you moaned.

"Yeah, baby?" He started to kiss up your calf once your jeans were off. "What is it?"

"I want you." You swallowed hard, the tension building between your thighs as his kisses reached the curve of your knee. You pushed yourself up onto your elbows so you could watch him.

"I know." He stopped right above your core. He took the hem of your underwear between his teeth and grabbed the back of them with his fingers, making eye contact with you as he pulled them down. When you had kicked them to the side, you scooted down so he would be able to eat you easier. Instead, he made a "tsk" sound with his teeth and stood up. You closed your knees, suddenly embarrassed.

"I'm sorry," you mumbled, "Did I do something wrong?"

He shook his head and crossed his arms, drawing your attention down to his bulge, looking more pronounced than before. You swallowed hard before he spoke again. "After what you did today, you think you deserve it?" His eyes held a fire in them, burning brightly behind his dark irises.

"I-I uh, yeah." You tipped your head back and watched him stalk around your bed. He stopped by your nightstand, still studying you. You watched as he picked something up -  hopefully the lamp he had knocked over earlier. A smile spread across his face, and that damn sparkle was in his eye again. What did he have in mind, now? He chuckled as he circled back around to be in front of you.

He held the Polaroid camera up to his chest, waiting to see your reaction. "Listen, if it's okay with you, I, uh..." He paused for a moment, his tongue poking out between his teeth, "I want to think of you later. When I'm home... by myself." He looked at you sideways, his mouth spread into a smile.

To Eddie Munson: My Knight in Shining LeatherWhere stories live. Discover now