Your curse, part two

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When you shut the front door, you removed your shoes and called out to your mom. The house was surprisingly quiet, which made your moms voice more shrill when she yelled. Maybe it was the lingering headache, but it felt like it pierced your ears.

"In here!" She responded from, you assumed, her bedroom. You walked through the living room and kitchen to her bedroom doorway, stopping cold when you saw her on the bed, sitting straight as a rod and facing the wall. "Hey sweetie," she said, still not turning around. She didn't move at all, not even to fidget like she normally does.

"Hey, mom," you lingered awkwardly in the doorway. It felt wrong to be in here, for some reason.  You decided to make your exit as swift as possible. "I'm just here to grab some clothes and stuff, I've run out of, um, clean clothes at Robin's."


"Okay..." You thought it was strange that she didn't turn around to speak to you, but you chose not to think about it anymore. Instead, you went into your bedroom and grabbed the bag you had taken to Eddie's so many times, taking it to your dresser and packing Eddie's pajamas, like you promised, as well as pajamas for yourself and extra clothes. You weren't sure how long you would be gone, so you made sure to pack enough to last the rest of the week. That's when your blood ran cold and you dropped the shirt that was in your hand.


You stepped quietly over to your window, looking at your empty driveway. What day is it? Shivers raced down your spine as you glanced at calendar on the wall; it's Monday. Your mom- your real mom- was at work. Suddenly, the clouds gathered outside, and that now all too familiar blue tint filled your room. "I gotta get out of here," you mumbled to yourself. But as soon as you turned around, your fake mom was there, standing just outside your bedroom.

"Where are you going?" She asked with a smile. Something about her was off, though. Her teeth looked too pointy and perfect, and there was a haze behind her eyes. When she moved through your doorway, her joints bent and straightened unnaturally. You found yourself inching toward the end of the bed, but she was now fully blocking your only exit. You thought about running for of the window, but you doubted you'd have time to make it out. Your mom tapped her fingers against your nightstand impatiently before moving again. She was slowly making her way toward you, her knees and hips making popping sounds as she crept closer.

"I-I'm going to Robin's, remember?" You grabbed your bag from the bed and swung it over your shoulder to emphasize your point. Maybe if you played it cool, you could escape.

"You're not going to see Eddie?" Her voice slowly started to change into a growl. You took a deep breath and prayed she couldn't hear your pounding heartbeat. She saw the shirt that you dropped on the floor and laughed menacingly. You were caught.

"No, mom, I've been with-" your words were cut short by glass shattering. Your mom had grabbed the mug that sat on the table next to your bed and threw it against your vanity mirror, shattering both objects.

"Liar!" She screamed. You jumped back, bumping into your chair and nearly falling. "You're with him! The murderer." A sinister smile put every one of her teeth on display. "The murderer, dating the murderer. How fitting."

You cleared your throat and opened your mouth to speak. "I'm not going to see him. I-I don't even know where... where he is." You swallowed harshly, making your moms grin widen in an unnatural way, and you noticed her teeth started to rot and fall out.

"I can see why your father beat you now. You're a liar." Terror didn't bother to hide itself; your moms skin started melting off of her body. Your jaw fell open as you stumbled back and fell into your armchair. "A spoiled," she continued, "murderous liar. I should be beating you, too. You deserve it, you know. After murdering your father." She pointed at you, her long finger growing into a claw. The same claw from your nightmare. It reached to you, moving a piece of hair off of your shoulder. You struggled to contain your sobs, your chest heaving as you held your breaths. "Oh, y/n," your mother's voice was a low rumble now, resonating deep into your ears. It was a change of pace from the mimicking that felt like glass shards slicing your ear drums. "You're insufferable. Your pain..." you opened your eyes to see the creature from your nightmare, Vecna. "Your pain makes me hungry."

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