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The day you thought would never come. But here you are, listening to Nancy's valedictorian speech while sitting in your cap and gown and watching as your friends names were called. Robin had gone first out of your group, followed by an honorable mention for Chrissy. Her mom walked the stage to accept her diploma, tears slipping down her perfectly made-up cheeks. Then Steve walked later on. The crowd roared when they heard your name, but it was nothing compared to Eddie's announcement.

"Brandy Morgan," Principal Higgins read from his little list of names of students receiving their diplomas. You had anxiously fidgeted in your seat, waiting to hear him announce the next name. Principal Higgins laughed and wiped away a tear before finally calling: "Edward Munson."

You would have stood up, if not for the rule that all students had to remain seated until the end of the ceremony. But it was fine, the entirety of the gym roared to life. Whoops and hollers came from parents and teachers alike, and the students all clapped. You spotted Wayne easily, he was stood on top of his seat, cheering the loudest with his hands above his head. He met your eye and winked.

Eddie sprinted as soon as his foot hit the stage. He rushed through the handshakes he received from the superintendents and other important members of faculty, practically yanked his diploma out of Principal Higgins' hand, turned to the student body, and flipped us all the bird. Then he ran off the stage as quickly as he had approached it. He merged back into the row of caps and found his seat.

Nancy had been called some time after, and had been announced with her valedictorian status. Of course she was, you wouldn't expect less from her.

There were more honorable mentions for the students Vecna had claimed. You kept your eyes low, not wanting to betray government secrets. They had no need to stress to you how important it was you shut your mouth. You understood.

The rest of the ceremony was quiet, except for the faculty calling names and finally saying: "I now present to you, Hawkins High graduating class of 1986!"

Everyone stood and threw their caps, not caring where they landed as embraces were shared and congratulations were thrown around. You picked your cap up off the ground and dusted it off, glad for this to be over with.

After the crowd began to disperse, Robin found you. She didn't say anything as she threw her arms around you, and she was gone as quickly as she had come. Steve was shortly after her, whispering a "congratulations" in your ear and rubbing your back. Nancy did the same, but was pulled away by her mother, desperate to get pictures.

"What a sight, huh?" Eddie said, appearing suddenly behind you. His hand wrapped around your waist, pulling you close to his hip.

"Who'd have thought Eddie Munson would finally graduate?" You teased, elbowing him in the rib before turning to look at him. "Congratulations baby."

"You too, sweetheart." He brushed his nose against yours before connecting your lips. He kissed you softly, sweetly. His fingers held the bottom of your chin so you couldn't pull away.

When he did, his eyes remained locked to yours, a smile spreading across his features as his eyes sparkled. "What?" You asked.

"I," Eddie said, rummaging around under his graduation gown, "have a, uh, gift for you."

"What a coincidence," you giggled, producing a small box from your back pocket. "I have one for you, too."

"Okay," he sighed with a smile, finally finding what he was looking for. "But me first." He stepped forward, looking around anxiously before opening it. Inside was a ring similar to the one he wore on his right hand. The black stone in the center reflected the harsh sun. "I figured I could give this to you in a sort of, uh... promise." You looked at him through your lashes, trying to hide your smile. "I promise that... I'll fight off whatever Demo-creatures try to eat you. I promise to never, ever run away from you," he took your hand in his and slid the ring onto your finger. Then, he lifted your chin so you could look into his eyes. "I promise to keep you safe, and to love you through it all." He kissed your knuckles and held your hand until you pulled away. Tears stung at the corners of your eyes, but you shoved them down. It was your turn now.

"Did you ever read The Gift of the Magi?" You asked him, hiding the box behind your back with both hands now. Eddie shook his head, looking confused and a little disappointed. "It's a short story about how a husband and wife both try to find Christmas gifts for each other, but they're really poor. Like, they have two dollars to work with. The wife winds up selling her gorgeous hair to afford to get him a new chain for his prized watch. And the husband," you raised your eyebrows and tipped your head in Eddie's direction, "sold his watch to buy her a new clip for her hair."

"Huh," Eddie said, "so they wound up getting each other something they couldn't use."

"Yes," you drew out the word. "But they had each others interests in mind. They knew each other so well..." You pulled the box from behind your back and held it out to him. After a moment of him simply looking at it, he took it from you. He lifted the small lid off of the top, and when his eyes took in the sight, he nearly dropped to his knees.

"You... you got me-"

"I made a joke a while ago about you giving me a class ring." You stepped toward him. "I thought it would only be fitting if you got one. This was your year, you know."

Eddie didn't say anything else as he took the ring out. It fit his finger perfectly, and sat right next to his ring that now matched yours. His eyes met yours, looking through his bangs. "I fucking love it." Then he pulled you in to a tight hug, sniffling in your ear.

"I love you, Eddie," you mumbled into his shoulder.

"I love you." After a pause, he pulled away. "I gotta go find Wayne, he's, uh... he's gonna flip." His eyes were bloodshot and glassy, but the grin on his face was absolutely worth it.

"Go crazy, tiger," you called after him with a wink. He was hesitant to let your hand go, but you knew you had to find your mom as well. You were surprised she hadn't found you, yet, actually.

"Wow," someone said from behind you, making goosebumps crawl up your arms. "You do look good in green."

Anxiety made your heart pound as you turned on your heel, the weight of Eddie's ring now feeling like lead on your hand. You didn't have to look up, those light blue wash denim jeans fitting comfortably around familiar thighs. The jean jacket just confirmed your suspicion. Your eyes trailed up the white buttons on his shirt, over his Saint Christopher necklace, and finally landing on the pair of aviators that rested on the bridge of his nose.

"Hi," the smirk he wore made your knees wobbly, and you were glad they were hidden under your gown. Billy.

You tried to find the words, but all that came out was:

"What the fuck?!"


A/n: that's it, that's the end!!! Off to the prequel we go!!!!!!!! ♥️

Prequel is called The New King Of Hawkins, and as soon as I have a cover made I will be working on chapters. Thank you so so much for all of your love and support, I hope to see you back here!

Before you go "ugh, not a billy fanfic," just give it a chance. I don't like how he acted in season 2 so I'll be making some.... Personality changes.

To Eddie Munson: My Knight in Shining LeatherWhere stories live. Discover now