Your Curse

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You know where you are as soon as the dream begins: you're in your childhood bedroom again. You can hear your dad yelling outside the door; glass smashing all around him. It was relieving in a way, not having to run through the hallway of men wearing your dads face before reaching this point.

This nightmare was different in that way, but something about it still didn't feel right. You were already in your room, staring at the door with anxiety ripping through your chest. It opened, just like it had done countless times before, and that horrible, disfigured hand wrapped around the side. Its long fingers scratched the wood as it pushed it open, revealing a creature resembling a man just as grotesque as his hand. The one that didn't open the door was long and claw-like, and he reached for you menacingly.

"Y/n, it's time..." he groaned. The grandfather clock from outside chimed loudly next to you, startling you into stepping backward. And then you tripped over something, landing flat on your back and closing your eyes upon impact. You struggled to get air back into your lungs; the shock had knocked the wind out of you. But when you opened your eyes, the ugly figure was closer to you, his hand still outreached. You forced yourself into a run, scrambling as you tried to get up. He groaned as you ran, a guttural sound that echoed in your ears and harmonized with the clock chime.

You were outside now, in a dark forest you didn't recognize that was covered by a deep layer of fog. You called out for Eddie, for your mom, for anyone. After a moment of searching, the disfigured creature emerged from the thick mist and walked toward you. He called to you again, which sent you running in the opposite direction. Twisted vines and branches tore at your clothes and tripped your feet, but you pressed on until you couldn't hear him anymore. When you emerged, you found yourself more puzzled.

You were inside a strange room, made up of tall, twisted pillars and broken pieces of wood. A staircase was to your right, and a stained glass window was on a heavy door that floated in midair. As soon as you stepped further into the space, it called to you again-

Eddie held you as you jolted awake, breathing hard and taking in your surroundings. "It's okay," he whispered in your ear. "You're here, it's okay."

"Eddie, I-" you choked, "I don't know where I was, it wasn't like last time." You clung to his arm, folding his leather sleeve in your fingers and fighting back tears. He shushed gently into your ear, stroking your hair until you were quiet once more. "I'm so tired of that nightmare..."

Eddie placed a soft kiss to your temple. "I know, baby... I know."

After you were done being delirious, you pulled his left wrist up and checked the time: 11:13. "Steve is going to be here soon."

"Yeah, thanks for reminding me," he said as he pushed you off gently, climbing out of the boat when he was free. "I'm starving, I'm gonna head up to the house."

"Yeah, I'm right behind you," you responded, hand outstretched. You rolled your eyes at him as he ignored you, forcing you to climb out by yourself. After forcefully taking his hand in yours, you followed him up the path to the back door, noticing a small boat with two men out on the lake. You hoped they didn't spot you, or Eddie.

Eddie made his way to the kitchen once he was inside, and you to the bathroom. When you were finished, you swapped places. On the stove was a pot alongside a can of Spaghetti O's, and you took the liberty of starting the stove up for him. You jumped when Eddie's hands appeared from behind you, taking the spoon and pot away.

"Believe it or not," he said into your ear, "I am capable of heating something on the stove. It's pretty simple."

"Whatever you say, Munson." He kissed your cheek as you stepped away.

To Eddie Munson: My Knight in Shining LeatherWhere stories live. Discover now