Hellfire Club

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*all scripting credits go to the original creators, the lines repeated by the characters are not my own*

Your morning started with eagerness. You rushed through your routine and found yourself waiting by the door for your mom, who seemed to be moving at a turtles pace. The drive to school took forever, but you managed to make it to your locker before Eddie did.

"Hey, y/n!"

Your head snapped in the direction your name was called from, surprised to see Robin running up to you. Steve followed close behind.

"Oh, hey guys," you took in Robin's red face, and knew her nerves were in shambles. "What's... going on?"

"I have to go to the band room so we have to make this fast. How do you feel about boobies?"

Your jaw fell open and you tipped your head in thought. "Um, I mean, I have them. They give me a lot of back pain but they're nice to have for... sexual purposes. Is that sort-of what you're looking for?"

"Okay, but do you like boobies?" Steve put his hands on his hips and watched as you and Robin interacted with each other.

"I am so confused, can I have some context please?" You looked between them, growing more confused as the seconds passed.

"Okay, look," Steve spoke as he took a step forward and Robin dressed herself in her uniform. "Robin likes boobies, I like boobies, and Vickie definitely likes boobies. So we need a normal girls opinion."

"And... how did we reach those conclusions?" You watched Robin roll her eyes.

"Steve thinks Vickie likes boobies because she returned Fast Times paused at 53 minutes and 5 seconds." Robin fluffed her hair one last time before spraying something into her mouth.

You shook your head, indicating that you needed more clarification. "What does that matter?"

"It doesn't," Robin answered.

"It matters, because only people who like boobies would do that. You're further proving my point but not knowing the significance- Just answer the question." Steve started to sound annoyed.

You brought your hands to your shoulders, palms up. "What was the question?!"

"Do you like boobies?" Steve asked again.

"Can we please stop saying 'boobies'?!"

"Thank you!" Robin added. "Now, I am going to be late, I have to go."

"She wants to be early so she can stand next to Vickie."

"Who definitely likes boobies?" You laughed as they walked away, looking unamused and continuing to argue.

Maybe it was everybody's excitement over the pep rally, or maybe it was because spring break started next week, technically tomorrow, or maybe, just maybe, it was because your first official meeting with the Hellfire Club was tonight. All you knew is once your friends had walked away, you couldn't stop dancing on the balls of your feet, waiting for a glimpse of Eddie. When you finally saw him, it played out like a movie scene.

He was walking down the hall, talking with one of his friends. He wore his Hellfire Club shirt, his signature leather jacket and vest combination, ripped black jeans, and his white Reebok sneakers. His hair fanned out behind him beautifully, and you understood why he needed the gel after his shower. You noticed his belt buckle resembled the handcuffs he had used on you the first night you went to his trailer, and the chain dangling from his belt looked like it belonged to the set. You wondered whether he had broken them on purpose, or if it was an accident.

To Eddie Munson: My Knight in Shining LeatherWhere stories live. Discover now