Corroded Coffin

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Also played: Sex On Fire by Kings of Leon, (Corroded Coffin original), Corroded Coffin originals, and covers.

You woke up early the next morning, jolted awake by a bad dream you couldn't recall. After looking at your clock, you decided to get up, using the extra time to shower, style your hair, and do your makeup. You just did eyeliner, mascara, and lip gloss; you didn't want Eddie thinking you were going over the top for him. If you couldn't admit it to yourself, how could you tell him the truth? You screwed the cap on the tube of lip gloss and slid it into your pocket for later. You reached to the shelf where your perfume usually was, but the bottle wasn't there. You grabbed some Tylenol from the shelf next to where your perfume would be and swallowed them with a small cup of water. You looked around for your perfume a minute longer, but gave up when you couldn't even find it in your room. When you were dressed with Eddie's vest over your t-shirt, and otherwise ready to go, you went to the living room to find your mom.

"Good morning," she said from the dining table. "You look nice today, is there something going on at school?"

"No, um, it's Tuesday." You glanced down at the cup of coffee that sat in front of her. "Corroded Coffin is playing at The Hideout tonight and I was wondering if I could go? Eddie said he could take me. We'd just go to his house after school so he could pack up and stuff before the show." She swallowed a drink and looked at you.

"You better pack a bag, I'm sure you'll be out late."

You furrowed your brows and squinted. "Are you saying..."

"I'm saying yes, and you're probably going to want to stay the night with Eddie since, I'm sure, it'll be a late show, so pack a bag for school tomorrow."

"Okay, thank you, mom." You hugged her shoulders before returning to your room. You grabbed your overnight bag and filled it with clothes, pajamas, and bathroom items, along with the makeup you wore so you could retouch it later. You grabbed your pack of birth control pills and took your one for the day before throwing them into your bag. You walked back down the hall to find your mom putting her shoes on. "Okay, I'm ready."

"Okay, let's get going, then." You loaded up into your moms car, not talking much until you approached school. "Have a good day, please call me after school. I'll see you tomorrow!"

"I will mom, I'll see you tomorrow!" You shut the door behind you and walked into school, running into Nancy along the way. "Oh, hey, Nancy!" You gave her a a small smile. "Um, can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah, y/n, go ahead." She didn't make eye contact with you when she talked. It looked like she was in a hurry to get to where she was going, so you didn't bother to try to stop her.

"What did you tell my mom about last Thursday?" Your question came out harsh, so you tried to smile to ease the tension. She ducked her head and stopped walking.

"I just told her you weren't at my house yet, but maybe Hellfire was running late." She shifted her books awkwardly in her arms.

"So you didn't tell her I didn't stay with you?" You were confused now.

"No, honest," she looked up at you. "I just said you weren't there yet."

"Okay," you thought hard, "I must have ratted myself out then."

"I'm sorry," she apologized, "if I had known you needed me to cover for you right that second I would have, I really thought Hellfire was just running late, I mean, Mike wasn't even home yet."

"No, Nancy, it's fine. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to freak you out or anything, I was just confused." You pulled her in for a hug to show her you were being sincere.

To Eddie Munson: My Knight in Shining LeatherWhere stories live. Discover now