Keep quiet ****

697 19 2

*smut near the end*

You announced your arrival as you walked in the door, quickly covering your hickeys with your hair. Your mom perked her head up from her spot on the couch. "Hey!" She called, "I didn't hear from you last night, what happened? I was really worried."

"Oh I got into the Hellfire Club so we had a meeting, and I wound up crashing with Nancy. I'm sorry, mom, it won't happen again." You pulled your sleeves down, ignoring the sting of pain.

"That explains your shirt, I'm happy for you honey. Are you going out again?"

You thought about your answer carefully. "Yeah, if that's okay?" you answered, "I actually have a date tonight."

"Oh really?" She wiggled her eyebrows, "with who?"

You swallowed and considered lying to her, but decided against it. "With Eddie Munson."

"Oh... well have fun and be safe." She hesitated for a moment. But her response was surprisingly casual, so you pressed her further.

"Thank you. Um, I have a question."

"Yeah honey?" Her gaze returned to whatever show was on tv.

"Would I be able to stay the night with him tonight?"

She peered over at you with squinted eyes. "That depends, have you guys had sex already?" You couldn't answer, stumbling over your words as a blush crept across your cheeks. "That's a yes. Go ahead, just please use condoms. I can take you to get on birth control if you'd like."

"Yeah, mom, I would. Thank you."

"Of course. I was a teenager once, I know how it goes. Thank you for being honest with me."

"Of course, mom. I love you."

"I love you too. Is he waiting for you?"

"Yeah," you glanced out the window at him. He was head banging to some song you couldn't hear from inside.

"Then you'd better get going. Just please call me tomorrow."

"I will, I promise!" You ran to your room, grabbing a small overnight bag and packing pajamas, as well as clothes for tomorrow. Luckily it's Friday, so you had no school tomorrow. You packed your toothbrush as well, not wanting to use Eddie's again. You packed more toiletries, your shampoo and conditioner as well as your body wash. You freshened up a bit, quickly washing between your legs and your armpits before applying deodorant and perfume. You grabbed clean pants and underwear from your dresser and put them on, glad to be out of your dirty ones. You didn't want to make him wait any more than you had, but you wanted to be fresh for tonight. Another glance around your room, and you were ready to go. "Bye mom! I love you!"

"Love you too honey, call me!"

"Promise!" You shut the front door behind you, running to Eddie's van. He turned the music down when you opened the door and slid in, placing your bag on the floor. "All ready to go."

"That was fast. I assume your mom is okay with you staying?" He eyed your bag.

"Yeah, she was really cool about it."

"She knows?"

"She knows. Good news is she's gonna take me to get on the pill soon."

He put the van into gear and began backing down your driveway. "Good. That, uh, that reminds me, we need to get more condoms. The box only had two and I ripped the first one." You began to drive down the road, recognizing the turns to Eddie's house. "I'm glad you're getting on the pill though. I bet you feel fucking amazing."  You blushed, not responding.

To Eddie Munson: My Knight in Shining LeatherWhere stories live. Discover now