The day after

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The sound of metal music jolted you awake, sending you into a sitting position almost immediately. You quickly located the source of the sound: a radio with an alarm feature. And the time read 7:00, just an hour before you had to be at school. "Fuck, Eddie! Wake up!" You crawled over him and landed hard on your feet, sending pins and needles shooting up your legs. He groaned in response, rolling to throw his arm over his eyes.

"Come on, just five more minutes."

"We don't have five minutes," you argued, finding your jeans.

"Then let's just skip today."

"We can't just skip today, we have a test in Ms. O'Donnell's."

"Fuuucckkk," he yelled. "That's today?"

"Yes that's today," you argued. You looked around for your socks but they seemed to have disappeared among the numerous articles of clothing on the floor. You pulled your jeans on, buttoning them. Eddie sat up from his bed slowly, rubbing his eyes and yawning. He hit the button on the radio that shut off the music and rested his head in his hands.

"If I open my eyes, are you still going to be here?" He asked, his voice muffled by his palms. You couldn't tell if he was joking or not, but you entertained him. You sat in front of him on the floor, hidden behind his hands. He peeked out at you between his fingers, and you smiled at him. "You're still here," he cooed.

"I'm still here." He cradled the side of your face in his palm, and you rested your hand over the top of his.

"Has anyone told you how pleasant you are in the mornings?"

You pondered for a moment. "No, I don't think so."

"Good," he reached for his pillow and hit you on your head. "Because you're not. You wake up, you're completely panicked, you rush everyone to get up while you're getting ready, and it's exhausting." He sank back onto the bed, pretending to be asleep.

"And you, Edward Munson," you retorted, "are a lazy boy with a very, very unsettling alarm clock!" You threw the pillow at him, hitting him directly in the face.

"It's called music, darling." His eyes didn't open.

"It's called, 'if you make me late for school I'm never coming over again'." He squinted, looking at you through one of his eyes.


"Ever," you said, trying to look as serious as possible.

He huffed before rolling onto his side and forcing himself into a sitting position. He glared at you, and glanced at the clock. "I'm only getting up because my five minute snooze is practically over."

"Whatever you say, Munson." You managed to find your socks, and had been lacing up your shoes while he contemplated whether or not it was worth it to get out of bed. He stood up and stretched, flinching when he stretched his arms.

"Let's see what the damage is," he groaned as he walked to his mirror. He removed his shirt and turned to examine his back in the reflection. Red streaks went from the top of his shoulder blades to the bottom of his ribs, stopping just before the curve of his back. "Wow. Holy shit."

"I'm really sorry," you said sincerely.

"Oh fuck that, don't be sorry. I marked you, so we're even." You gasped quietly, remembering the events of last night, and joined him to look in his mirror. The entire right side of your neck was lined with various shades of purple and pink, and you could clearly see the outline of teeth just above your collarbone. "I warned you," he remarked, bringing his lips close to your ear, "and you didn't listen."

To Eddie Munson: My Knight in Shining LeatherWhere stories live. Discover now